Convert jpg file to solidworks readable format?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cheamc, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. cheamc

    cheamc Guest

    I ve a jpeg file which contain a parts that I scan. Is they a way to convert
    to solidworks readable file. The part have some slot with slant a few
    degree. I like to import to solidworks to sketch it out and measure the

    cheamc, Jun 22, 2004
  2. In you sketch: Insert/ Image
    Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 22, 2004
  3. cheamc

    cheamc Guest

    Thanks Jean.
    I forget to look at the insert side. manage to import it but facing scale
    problem. Anyway I can measure the slot degree.
    cheamc, Jun 22, 2004
  4. cheamc

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Have a look at the freeware version of Wintopo.......
    Art Woodbury, Jun 22, 2004
  5. cheamc

    John Kimmel Guest

    I use image editor Ulead Photoimpact to de-skew and de-warp the drawing,
    as well as some scaling and rotating, and making the drawing size
    managable. I import the image into Deltacad, where I can scale it more
    precisely, and then draw over it. Deltacad is freeware/shareware,
    Photoimpact came with my scanner.
    John Kimmel

    girls = time x money

    time = money

    girls = money x money = money²

    money = the root of all evil = ¬/evil

    girls = (¬/evil)²

    girls = evil
    John Kimmel, Jun 22, 2004
  6. cheamc

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    As Art suggests, Wintopo can be used to convert raster images to
    vector; however, I think a more direct method for quickly "measuring"
    your JPEG image has been overlooked.

    In SolidWorks (with a sketch open for editing) you can use the main
    menu "Tools/Sketch Tools/Sketch Picture" to import any of a number of
    graphic file formats to appear in the background. (Keep in mind that
    this differs from the insertion of an OLE object in the background of
    the Part file's viewport and can ONLY be seen when the sketch
    containing it is being edited.)

    Such an image can be scaled when it's first imported or afterwards by
    double clicking on it (within the sketch viewport).

    With the graphic image behind the sketch entities you "trace" and
    position over it, you should be able to easily eyeball and dimension
    the angle desired.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Jun 24, 2004
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