Convert iges 3d surface to part

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by vinot, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. vinot

    vinot Guest

    Hello everybody,

    I'm trying to convert a 3d nurbs surface (iges format) to a solidworks
    surface in order to process it, so it means that imported surface must
    be "workable".

    When I import the file with Solidworks I obtain an "imported" surface,
    wich not allows to be modified, ie. copy some sketch over the surface.

    If I try to do it with 3d points, importing a 3d dxf, I obtain a point
    cloud but all within one plane, so importing 3d dxf seems don't work

    Any suggestion?

    Thanks in advance,

    vinot, Dec 6, 2005
  2. vinot

    Sporkman Guest

    If you want surfaces, that's one thing. If you want a solid, that's
    another. It sounds as though perhaps you are NOT selecting "Try forming
    solid" in the Options of the File > Open dialog box, and perhaps that's
    really what you want to do . . . it's not clear. Even after selecting
    that Option, however, SolidWorks may not be successful importing to a
    solid body. Try with and without B-Rep mapping (with B-Rep mapping is
    preferable if it works, and if it doesn't it tries knitting surfaces
    together to form a solid). Otherwise, if you really want surfaces, not
    a solid or solids, try "Do not knit" if you want to be able to address
    individual surfaces . . . if you select "Knit surface(s)" it will
    probably end up as being one big surface that you can't Trim to itself
    or modify easily. If what you are importing is really an assembly --
    more than one part -- try selecting "Import multiple bodies as parts".

    Use the Help files.

    If these things don't give you what you want I recommend using one of
    the myriads of translating service shops. It'll save you more than you

    Sporkman, Dec 6, 2005
  3. vinot

    That70sTick Guest

    Do you actually need the surface to change? Or are you just hung up on
    the fact that it has no parameters to change?

    If you need the surface to change, create a new surface in SW using the
    imported one as a template. I do this on the Vellum-generated surfaces
    supplied to me by our customer. Most of the time they are simple
    That70sTick, Dec 6, 2005
  4. vinot

    POH Guest

    I assume that the objective is to modify the imported surface, so I'll
    suggest the following:

    1. Select the imported surface in SolidWorks and then Insert/Boss,
    Base/Thicken (via the main menu) to create a solid body. (If the
    imported data provides a set of surfaces which can be knit together to
    create a closed volume, then a solid can be generated as an option
    during the knitting operation. Also, surfaces can be created within
    SolidWorks and added to the set of imported ones to complete the

    2. The solid body can then be modified using the Insert/Features/Scale
    (or Shape, Deform, Indent, Flex, etc.) Once such features are added,
    they provide some control for editing which can be considered as

    3. After modification, the resulting surface(s) can be copied (within
    the part file) or exported, if desired, as separate from the solid.

    Have a look at SolidWorks Help for information on the tools available
    for modifying surfaces directly (such as trim, untrim, extend, move,
    etc.), but these won't provide the sort of control you seem to be
    looking for.

    There are third-party Add-In programs available for SolidWorks to give
    tighter controls over surface "push-pull"; however, to accomplish that
    sort of thing within SolidWorks itself, it's necessary to first use the
    surface(s) as the basis for a solid object.

    Per O. Hoel

    There are
    POH, Dec 6, 2005
  5. vinot

    jmather Guest

    jmather, Dec 6, 2005
  6. vinot

    That70sTick Guest

    Good ideas. I'll have to remember these.
    That70sTick, Dec 6, 2005
  7. vinot

    vinot Guest

    Thank you all!

    really I have only to work with surfaces, and what I really need is to
    know the x,y and z position of several points from the points cloud of
    the surface. This points are defined by another "part", wich really
    only define the x and y position, and the z position is defined by the
    imported surface.

    I will try it again using the above helps.

    Thnks again,

    vinot, Dec 8, 2005

  8. You can use projected curves to project your x and y values on to your
    imported surface, then make a point in a 3D sketch and constrain it to the
    curves. Now you can measure the location of the point.

    A quicker method would be to make split lines on your imported surface, then
    measure the point at the corner. The disadvantage is that your surface is
    now several pieces, but maybe that doesn't matter.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 8, 2005
  9. vinot

    vinot Guest

    Thanks again,

    finally I have my surface workable! using boss and thickness, but
    should work well. Now the hint will be obtain easilly the z position of
    each point automatically, because what really I need is only this
    value. Will try with macros, but I don't know if this method could be

    thanks again

    vinot, Dec 9, 2005
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