convert dwg from ctb to stb

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pete, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Pete

    Pete Guest

    Hi all,

    I have been using color dependant plot styles (ctb) exclusively and I've
    finally decided to investigate named plot styles (stb). I changed the
    setting in "options" to use stb for new drawings but instead of starting a
    drawing from scratch, I opted to convert my master drawing. This is the
    sequence of procedures that I used:

    1) Command CONVERTCTB; I choose the active ctb file from the dialog, hit ok,
    and then choose the new stb file to convert to. (The new stb file has the
    same name as the ctb file)
    2)Command CONVERTPSTYLES; select the newly created stb file from the dialog.
    3)Command PLOTSTYLE; select the new stb to make it active.

    Problem(s): When I open the new stb in Plot Style Manager, I am unable to
    add new styles (the button is dimmed). I can only modify the existing one;
    Style 1. So, I create an stb from scratch, enter the plotstyle command and
    select that one. I can't skip step 1 because the ctb table has to be mapped
    to an stb. Likewise, in step 2, I can't select another stb because I will
    get the error that the stb does not contain a color mapping table (hence, I
    can't skip step 1). After step 3, in layer manager, I see that all plot
    styles have been mapped to Style 1. Now, when changing a style for a layer
    or object, I get a selection dropdown of styles that I created in my stb but
    also listed is "Style 1, missing".

    So what I've done when prompted to select an stb to convert (map) to in the
    COVERTCTB command, is enter the name mappedctb.stb rather than accept the
    default. I close the drawing and change the name of "Style 1" in Style
    Manger to a new name that I will be using in my stb created from scratch. I
    reopen the drawing, run the CONVERTPSTYLES command, and select
    mappedctb.stb. But I get an error, "invalid style name".

    Why am I restricted from adding styles to the mapped stb created in the
    CONVERTCTB command and, is there a better procedure than the above? Sorry
    for the long (confusing?) post.

    Pete, Oct 24, 2004
  2. Pete

    Bill Gilliss Guest

    Pete -

    The easiest way I have found to do this is to use Edit/Copy to copy
    everything in the CTB drawing into a blank STB drawing. (Do this once
    for model space entities and once for each layout in the CTB drawing.)
    Then just attach the appropriate stb file and assign each layer to the
    plot style you want.

    The STB approach is so much easier to manage, that where I teach, we
    erase all the CTB templates after installing AutoCAD so students will
    not get stuck in just the situation you describe.

    Bill Gilliss, Nov 10, 2004
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