Convert dimension value to text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by The Jester, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. The Jester

    The Jester Guest


    Does anyone of you know if there is a lisp-routine that converts the
    horizontal and vertical dimension value to text (preferably mtext).

    In other words: I want to put a text with the dimensions in a square (glass
    panel), e.g. [Horizontal value] x [Vertical value].

    Thanks very much in advance !

    The Jester, Mar 22, 2007
  2. (defun c:RMSIZE (/ ha hb hc hd va vb vc vd a b th tp r )
    (setvar "OSMODE" 32)
    (setq ha (getpoint "\nPick first point horizontal dimension: "))
    (setq hc (getpoint "\nPick second horizontal point: "))
    (setq va (getpoint "\nPick first point vertical dimension: "))
    (setq vc (getpoint "\nPick second vertical point: "))
    (setq tp (getpoint "\nStart point for text: "))
    (setq th (getreal "\nEnter text height: "))
    (setq hb (car ha))
    (setq hd (car hc))
    (setq vb (cadr va))
    (setq vd (cadr vc))
    (setq a (abs (- hd hb)))
    (setq a (rtos a 4 1))
    (setq b (abs (- vd vb)))
    (setq b (rtos b 4 1))
    (setq r (strcat a " x " b))
    (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
    (command "TEXT" tp th 0 r)
    Michael Bulatovich, Mar 23, 2007
  3. The Jester

    The Jester Guest

    Thank you very much, Michael !! Sorry for not thanking you sooner (all work
    and no play and such ... ;o) )

    I've tried the routine and it works great. However, since I live in Holland,
    I'd like the text in metric values, is it possible for you to edit the
    routine that way ? And if it's not too much to ask, to convert the text to
    mtext, please ? I'd be very greatful if you could.

    Another question is about the way to enter the 4 points: wouldn't it be
    simpler to select a diagonal line in a rectangle (or just the 2 points
    diagonally opposite eachother in that rectangle) and subtract the
    x-coördinates and y-coördinates from eachother ?

    Again, thanks very much for your help.


    The Jester, Apr 1, 2007
  4. The 4 in (rtos a 4 1) makes it return feet and inches, and the 1 is the unit
    accuracy. If you want plain decimal numbers change the 4 to 2 wherever you
    see an (RTOS......) statement. If your units are millimeters accuracy of 1
    will be fine. If your units are meters you might want to change it to 3.


    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 1, 2007
  5. You might also want to shorten the name to something more appropriate in the
    (defun....) statement, and saveas that other name dot LSP.


    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 1, 2007
  6. The Jester

    The Jester Guest

    Thank you very much ! It will save me a lot of time at work, as I had to
    type in the dimensions for every glass panel in my drawings. I was used to
    'just' dimension them, but my new boss wants it as text in the panel itself.

    Much appreciated.

    The Jester, Apr 1, 2007
  7. Take a penny, leave a penny.
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 1, 2007
  8. The Jester

    The Jester Guest

    Yes, I know. You've explained the principle before ;o). But still ...

    The Jester, Apr 1, 2007
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