Convert Dgn to Image using MDL

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Prashanth, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Prashanth

    Prashanth Guest

    It would be gr8, if anyone can help me to convert a dgn as image.
    Basically the implementation is, when i run a mdl application, it will
    select dgn files from a particular directory and convert that dgns to
    image files. I'm opening the dgn file using
    mdlSystem_newDesignFile().. I'm not sure how to convert the dgn as
    image. I will appriciate if anyone can help to me for the same.

    Thanks in Advance

    Prashanth, Feb 24, 2004
  2. Prashanth

    Lorys Guest

    The easiest was is to use the batch print utility,
    set up your dgns to have a unique border shape say colour254 ( invisible to
    Then in the batch print you tell it to search for shapes colour 254
    The printer driver to use is any of the image.plt (s) as there is
    You will need to investigate and or modify one of these.
    They will print a dgn to an image file and you can even set the destination
    prefs or through batch plot.
    you can then make a macro or mdl to execute the batch and use a standard set
    If your worried about people tinkering with the macro just give them
    I do this for bulk pdf creation over night I don't even have to be there...
    Lorys, Feb 25, 2004
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