Convert DGN to DWG

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Guest, Sep 20, 2006.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We use Autocad. Is there an easy way to convert DGN files we received
    to DWG files so we can work on? The next question is, are the
    converted files the actual 3D model or only the 2D images?
    Guest, Sep 20, 2006
  2. Guest

    Dave Guest

    I would strongly disagree that CATS will do a better job of file
    translation that using MicroStation. For the price of the third party
    application you may as well anty up and get a full seat of MicroStation
    V8. You can convert your files and have access to MicroStation should
    the need arise.
    Dave, Sep 21, 2006
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We have no use for Microstation. We won't be dealing with dgn files on
    a daily basis so spending $3,500 to get the translator one time doesn't
    make sense. We'll probabaly pay for the service to have it translated
    into an AutoCAD 3D model so we can take over from that point.
    Guest, Sep 25, 2006
  4. hi

    If you need files translated. You could email them to me and I can
    translate them for you at a price per translation or time it takes.
    I have done this for another company before.

    carl de groot, Oct 16, 2006
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