convert all drawings to use CTB's when plotting

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by anomaly88, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. anomaly88

    anomaly88 Guest

    We've all been there.. you can't for the life of you figure out how to print black and white with STB's. You know that CTB's will work just fine. You have a couple thousand drawings that are a mix of STB's and CTB's. You want all of your drawings to use CTB's. CONVERTPSTYLES will work but let's say you have 30,000 drawings that are using .stb when they should be using .ctb plot format? Also, running the command takes a long time to run and when the box finally opens it may turn out that the drawing was already using .ctb's and you just wasted your time. I am offering a lisp routine that you can use with a macro button or even a script. The routine will check to see what the drawing is using and then convert if necessary. The command takes very little time to run and is very efficient. The lisp routine contains lots of comments so you can figure out what's going on and possibly even make revisions at a later time. I will even send you a script file as well as the macro command. You can call/email me too get quick easy support. If you are interested in my services email with the subject "STB TO CTB LISP".

    anomaly88, Jul 11, 2003
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