Conversion of a eDrawing to a model?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Flynt, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    Someone sent me an eDrawing of an item. I saved it as an STL file and
    having opened that in SW have saved it as a part. It looks good on
    screen but I can't do anything with it. I can import it into an
    assembly but can't then select anything to mate it.

    It's a complicated pump assembly with an abstract outside shape so I
    can't just quickly remodel it. The originator is unable to supply
    anything other than this eDrawing so the obvious answer to ask for
    alternative source data is not available.

    Any ideas how I can maneuver it around in my assembly so I can do what
    I need and design a close fitting housing for it?


    Flynt, Jun 25, 2007
  2. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    Just to clarify, I can't even select the part on screen so I can drag
    it about. Mating it would be good but not even being able to move it
    at all is frustrating?

    Flynt, Jun 25, 2007
  3. Flynt

    John Guest


    Check out "STL and VRML Import Options" in the SolidWorks help file.
    This should get you on the right track.

    Unfortunately, imported STL format is not a great option for your
    desired application.

    STLF files are faceted approximations of the original data. While
    accurate enough for the original intent of the STL format (rapid
    prototyping), it will present some challenges for your needs. For
    example, holes will not be cylindrical which will make mating to them

    Hope this information helps.

    John, Jun 25, 2007
  4. Flynt

    Flynt Guest

    Thanks John. Very helpful. I had overlooked the options.

    As you said, still not ideal but I was now able to select faces and
    use that selection to add in reference geometry planes. I can now mate
    them to locate the assembly. As I am only trying to house the pump
    that suits my purpose pretty well.

    Thanks again,

    Flynt, Jun 25, 2007
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