Conversion from Map 2004 to ADT 2005 NLM

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pirish, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. pirish

    pirish Guest

    Any Advise on the below
    We have 6 licenses for Autodesk Map 2004. Controlled via LMTools 8.3c on a server. Image and all on the server. One of our engineers bought 3 licenses recently but on the note received with the product it says Qty 3 Conversion from Map 2004 to ADT 2005 NLM.
    I am not too sure how to integrate these new 3 licenses with our existing LMTools 8.3c. Any advise is much appreciated.
    pirish, Oct 13, 2004
  2. First, you need to get two new license files. One for the three new seats
    of ADT 2005 and an updated file for your MAP 2004 to reflect the reduced
    seat count since three seats were upgraded to ADT 2005. See the following
    Then you will have to combine the two license files and replace your current
    license file with the new combined file.
    In order to read the 2005 license information you will need to upgrade to
    FLEXlm 9.2. The easy way to do this is first stop the license manager,
    uninstall it then install it from the ADT 2005 CD. The license manager can
    then be restarted.

    Jerry Milana,
    Autodesk Consulting

    server. Image and all on the server. One of our engineers bought 3 licenses
    recently but on the note received with the product it says Qty 3 Conversion
    from Map 2004 to ADT 2005 NLM.
    LMTools 8.3c. Any advise is much appreciated.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Oct 13, 2004
  3. pirish

    pirish Guest

    Many Thanks for your advise Jerry, All is now up and running.
    pirish, Nov 2, 2004
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