controlling*length* of tangent of a 3d datum curve

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by stinky wizzleteet, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. hi all,

    I usually create surface models using datum points and datum curves
    through points subsequently creating boundary blends using these.
    I can control the tangeny (and the curvature) by creating tangent vectors.
    But now I would like to know wether I can control the *length* of the
    Is that at all possible?
    stinky wizzleteet, Jun 15, 2004
  2. stinky wizzleteet

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ............ But now I would like to know wether I can
    You can expose the control vertices and tweak the tangent weight if it's a
    two point spline (datum and sketcher). Can't if there are internal fit
    points, though.

    A couple of ways to do what I think you're after:

    _ Create the foundation curve.
    _ Trim the ends back an appropriate amount.
    _ Create two point curves to replace the trimmed ends,
    applying G1 and / or G2 end conditions and tweak (G1 only).
    _ Create an approximate composite copy of the three curves.

    --- or ----

    Create the curve as the intersection of two surfaces. The advantage is that
    you can (unlike the spline) use multiple sections for a Boundary Blend and
    still specify tangent (or curvature) weights.

    Jeff Howard, Jun 15, 2004
  3. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : hi all,
    : I usually create surface models using datum points and datum curves
    : through points subsequently creating boundary blends using these.
    : I can control the tangeny (and the curvature) by creating tangent vectors.
    : But now I would like to know wether I can control the *length* of the
    : tangent.
    : Is that at all possible?
    : wzzl

    You always could do it with ISDX. Now Wildfire has this ability, as well. It
    throws in an arbitray length which you can adjust and it even has drag handles for
    the adjusting the tangency length.

    Previous versions had something called 'Tweak', functionality down toward the
    bottom of the Menu Manager list of functions. With a curve through only two points
    and only end point tangency governing the shape of the curve, it would give you
    control points and a control poly for adjusting the shape. The only direct way
    though was adding curvature to the surface tangent end point condition. And you
    would only get that check box after you'd set both start and end point tangency to
    surface tangent. Checking the 'curvature' box would change the length of the

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jun 15, 2004
  4. stinky wizzleteet

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Minor correction, if I may. 8~)

    Checking Curvature sets a curvature continous end condition (G2 or C2,
    depending on terminology used). There's a difference.


    Are the "drag handles" something new to WF2, or are you refering to the
    control vertices?

    Jeff Howard, Jun 15, 2004
  5. stinky wizzleteet

    David Janes Guest

    : > ..... Checking the 'curvature' box would change
    : > the length of the tangency.
    : Minor correction, if I may. 8~)
    : Checking Curvature sets a curvature continous end condition (G2 or C2,
    : depending on terminology used). There's a difference.
    You're right, I should have said 'effectively' or 'apparently', as this does
    change the shape of the curve, shown by curve analysis, at the boundaries. I was
    thinking that wzzl might have been after making the tangency better, not just

    : --------------------------
    : Are the "drag handles" something new to WF2, or are you refering to the
    : control vertices?
    : ================================
    David Janes, Jun 15, 2004
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