Control Palettes w/ Lisp?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bruceclement, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. bruceclement

    bruceclement Guest

    I see TOOLPALETTES and TOOLPALLETESCLOSE commands, but are there any other commands that control tool palettes? Is there a way to use lisp to open the Tool Palettes with a particular palette current? Better yet, a certain Group displayed *and* a certain palette current. I want to use lisp routines to control palettes if I can.

    I was using (command "adcenter" "adcnavigate" "...path...") to open and point to a folder in Design Center, and I'd like to do something similar in Tool Palettes.


    bruceclement, Jan 12, 2005
  2. bruceclement

    Daron Guest

    yes. *_toolpalettepath will set the path loading the palette(s). you can
    have more than one path in the string, separated by ";"

    this means you could load more than one palette. here, each tab is actually
    a separate palette, and the users can load each tab as needed ( palettes
    located on the server)

    (command "*_toolpalettepath" PATHSTRING)

    also, i think Chip Harper had some code posted in customer files that went
    into much more detail. look for multi palettes.


    commands that control tool palettes? Is there a way to use lisp to open the
    Tool Palettes with a particular palette current? Better yet, a certain
    Group displayed *and* a certain palette current. I want to use lisp
    routines to control palettes if I can.
    point to a folder in Design Center, and I'd like to do something similar in
    Tool Palettes.
    Daron, Jan 12, 2005
  3. bruceclement

    bruceclement Guest


    I thought I'd bump this up and see if anyone has any other ideas. I've looked at the path manipulation approach, but that doesn't do what I want. I'd like to use lisp to simply make a certain palette current without loosing the rest of them. Maybe this is something for the next release...

    Thanks again,

    bruceclement, Feb 2, 2005
  4. bruceclement

    Daron Guest

    see the thread "Tool palette groups - can they be centralized" posted by
    KEMP, on 1/27/2005. i think we hit what you were talking about.


    looked at the path manipulation approach, but that doesn't do what I want.
    I'd like to use lisp to simply make a certain palette current without
    loosing the rest of them. Maybe this is something for the next release...
    Daron, Feb 2, 2005
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