contour type import

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt.feider, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. matt.feider

    matt.feider Guest

    I would really like to import a contour type plot as a surface. Two
    problems as I see it. First it is a ton of data and how best to map a
    surface to that...Second (and probably the bigger of the two) is the
    size. This happens to be several square miles and I know out of
    solidworks modeling extents for a part. Any ideas on how to work with
    something like this?

    I know not really typical for solidworks, but I have a project that
    simply does lend itself to a 3d type review. I have data in autocad
    but is almost useless for the information I want out of it. Basically
    to determine the volume of a pretty big material dump.

    I have thought about scaling into the right extents, but am still left
    with applying the surface to the contour lines.

    Just wondering if anyone has any ideas?
    matt.feider, Apr 29, 2008
  2. matt.feider

    matt.feider Guest

    actually think I answered my own question. I found a tool that will
    convert the autocad contour plot to X, Y, Z data (for free) and this
    resultant file is usable by the scan import tools. these tools also
    provide methods to map a surface through them. So it looks like I am
    able to get a 3D surface for my uses with just a few hours processing
    time. Hey I am working with half a million I wouldn't
    expect it to be too fast.

    matt.feider, Apr 30, 2008
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