context menus

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ffejgreb, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. ffejgreb

    ffejgreb Guest

    does anyone know where the context menu (specific pop no.) for pan/zoom is
    stored? i am looking for the one that pops up when you right click after
    activating real-time pan/zoom from the standard toolbar.


    ffejgreb, Jul 18, 2003
  2. ffejgreb

    Phil Clark Guest

    hmm...I don't find it in the menu...maybe it's hard-coded in (not
    customizable) like the window pull-down.
    Phil Clark, Jul 19, 2003
  3. ffejgreb

    ffejgreb Guest

    That's what I was wondering, but I hope not. And the window pull-down is
    customizable. Look for POP 10.
    ffejgreb, Jul 19, 2003
  4. ffejgreb

    Phil Clark Guest

    yeah, sorry you're right, I meant the open files portion
    Phil Clark, Jul 19, 2003
  5. ffejgreb

    Walt Engle Guest

    Try pop503
    Walt Engle, Jul 19, 2003
  6. ffejgreb

    PF Guest

    Context menus are called with the right button - and dependent on the
    current command....
    They are POP500(+) menus....
    You may find the Exact POP### to be a bit different from what you expect...
    What I did to be certain of the POP# was to add a line under the heading of
    each to display the POP# of that menu... just for development purposes.

    [Context menu for edit mode]
    /// the next line is added.
    id_mepop [~ p502]
    ID_CMSelLast [&Repeat %s]^C^C;
    PF, Jul 19, 2003
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