Considering switching from Smarteam to Adept or Activault, advice or comments?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bb007, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. bb007

    bb007 Guest

    We are considering switching from Smarteam to Adept or Activault for
    our SW file mgt.
    Anyone have any advice or comments on switching to one of those

    We are a current Smarteam user with Solidworks. We have decided to
    replace Smarteam.

    We have also reviewed Product Center, PDM Works, Conisio.
    Product Center -- felt too much like Smarteam
    PDM Works -- we liked the interface a lot, but we need remote access,
    and were nervous about potential problems with: the number of users we
    have, complexity of our models, volume of data we have to manage
    Conisio -- it seemed too new, we did not have any luck getting
    references through our VAR, foreign company (i.e., potential support
    issues -- like Smarteam), it's more than what we need

    Company info:
    12-15 designers/eng's using Solidworks
    Additional 20+ need to view drawings
    Machine design and mfg company (seafood processing, typical 500 unique
    parts in a model, 1000-2000 total parts)

    Main requirements for SW PDM:
    Revision control
    Assist with multiple users working on the same model
    Other requirements:
    Non-proprietary database for exporting info to inventory mgt program
    Need remote access -- viewing and check in/release
    Needs to be easy to use, easy to learn, low training costs
    Minimal bugs/problem
    Easy annual upgrades
    Minimal/no need for consultants
    Good support from manufacturer, fast response to bugs/issues
    bb007, Jan 11, 2006
  2. bb007

    jeffery Guest

    You should look at DBWorks... It handles everything in the above and can
    import your smarteam data!
    jeffery, Jan 11, 2006
  3. bb007

    Christine Guest

    We're looking to add a PDM system this year. I'm curious as to why
    you're switching away from Smarteam? What's the problem with it?

    Christine, Jan 11, 2006
  4. bb007

    bb007 Guest

    "I'm curious as to why you're switching away from Smarteam? What's the
    problem with it?"

    - Many issues/problems over the past 5 yrs
    - Not user friendly
    - To many workarounds to get something to work right
    - Expensive - purchase/maintain/upgrade/customize
    - We only use about 20% of what the software can do
    - Poor support
    - To many middle men (Support Consultant->Reseller->Smarteam)
    bb007, Jan 11, 2006

  5. We used Activault until Manufacturing decided that they wanted more of a PLM
    system and switched to ProductCenter. We didn't need remote access, so I
    don't know how well Activault handles it, if at all. We're a smaller
    company, only three designers at the time, so there could be some issues
    with size, but I kind of doubt it. SolidPartners is also a pretty small
    company, which has its upside and downside. Other than that, I would say
    that Activault should fulfill your other requirements.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 11, 2006
  6. bb007

    mhk-1 Guest

    We have tested all of the above and were in the same boat with
    SmarTeam. We struggled with SmarTeam for almost 4 years. Two months
    ago, we made a switch to an awesome system (which you have mentioned
    above) after testing them all. Email me if you would like some details.
    mhk-1, Jan 12, 2006
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