connectivity-to-schematic and spice netlists

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tim, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest


    I imported a spice netlist from Orcad using "Import>>>XL netlist". I
    used this to get my XL connectivity and it works fine on a placed
    layout. I tried using "Import>>>Netlist View"
    (connectivity-to-schematic) and get the error (Could not open cell
    "DESIGN1" view "netlist" in library "c025_test").

    Can connectivity-to-schematic import a spice netlist into a physical
    schematic? The manual doesn't list what type(s) of netlist it can use,
    or how it will find which schematic symbols to use.

    Thanks in Advance,

    Below is my spice test netlist;


    ..SUBCKT DESIGN1 N00344

    R1 N00344 N00343 rdp 10K
    R2 N00343 N00345 rdp 20K
    Q1 N00344 N00343 N00345 LGND ne1 1X
    Tim, Jun 2, 2005
  2. File->Import->CDL can do this - it now supports some (limited) device mapping.

    There are plans to improve the parsing to be a little less CDL-specific. (CDL
    is very SPICE-like).

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 3, 2005
  3. Tim

    Tim Guest

    Thanks Andrew,

    That worked. I was able to get it to create a composer schematic.

    Thanks Again,
    Tim, Jun 3, 2005
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