connectivity problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by layoutDesign, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. layoutDesign

    layoutDesign Guest

    There exists a layout with no schematic connectivity. There are labels
    at the top of the hierarchy over the pads. At various levels of the
    hierarchy, there are metals and vias. I want to find out what label a
    particular via shape is connected to.

    I am unfamiliar with Assura rule decks, but this seems like the best
    solution for such a connectivity problem that doesn't have a
    schematic. Should I look at Assura, or just create a SKILL script that
    could somehow address this? Any hints or help is appreciated.
    layoutDesign, Jan 31, 2009
  2. layoutDesign

    Marc Heise Guest

    If you want to keep it simple use the "Mark Net" command.
    It needs a valid "extractLayers" section in the Techfile and
    will crawl through your hierarchy marking connected nets
    after you click on one shape.
    Don't forget to deselect your Metal1-Diffusion vias, or it
    will mark through the gates of your transistors. ;)

    Marc Heise, Feb 1, 2009
  3. layoutDesign

    PM Guest

    Well said Marc(k) ;)
    PM, Feb 2, 2009
  4. In the CIW menu "Tools" there is an entry "Conversion Toolbox". There
    there is a connectivity extraction tool which could be what you are looking

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Feb 2, 2009
  5. layoutDesign

    layoutDesign Guest

    Basically, I am wanting to create a script(s) of some sort that will
    get/generate this information and then output a text file with NAME,
    layoutDesign, Feb 2, 2009
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