connections problem solved!

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by dakeb, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. dakeb

    dakeb Guest


    When you open an assembly:-

    Do your components assembled with connections appear in all the wrong

    Are you fed up of having to redefine them so they go back into place every
    time you open a model?

    Well I finally found the answer to this infuriating problem.

    When you are happy with the position of all your mechansims, go into
    Mechanism/Drag, and make a snapshot called 'Master'.

    Save your assembly.

    Next time you open it and the components are sticking out all over the
    place, go to Mechanism/Drag, and view the snapshot called 'Master'. Hey
    Presto, all your components magically snap back into place.

    dakeb, Jul 14, 2005
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