CONISIO/PDMWorks Enterprise

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Nobody seems to have an answer to these two questions, so we thought we'd
    see if anyone's doing this, and then we'll know what works.

    The first question is this: Is anyone using Conisio/PDMWorks Enterprise with
    SQL 2005 on a server with four or more processors? We are running the 2000
    version of SQL that came with Conisio several years ago, and it works on the
    four processor server, but we want to be sure it won't be a problem to
    upgrade the SQL on that server.

    The second question is this: Is anyone using a full version of SQL 2005 AND
    running PDMWorks Enterprise on the same server? If so, is PDMWorks
    Enterprise using the full version you purchased, or is it running in a
    separate instance? We are planning on buying the per-processor version of
    SQL 2005 and running it on its own server, which would give it unlimited

    The answers to these two questions will help us out a lot. Thanks.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 3, 2007
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