Conical Splines Construction

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    I have avoided coming up with a proper solution for making a cone with
    blind ended V splines on the surface of a cone (a shallow cone today
    like a bellville washer cone).

    I have constructed an individual spline sketch with a new angled
    sketch plane off the longitudinal centerline of the cone & extruded
    the cut, and then created the "round" end cut of the cutter at the end
    of the spline.

    That is OK & works, but doesn't represent the blind end of the spline
    correctly, if the cutter axis is parallel to the axis of the cone.

    Then the last issue that comes to the table is that I have 240 splines
    to cut, and they do not lend themselves to using the "Circular
    Pattern" to create the set of splines, as the sketch is done on a
    special angled plane that can't be patterned (at least in Swks 2006).

    Is there a clean solution to doing splines on a cone and then finally
    patterning them easily?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Dec 7, 2007
  2. Bo

    zxys Guest

    Picture, please..

    zxys, Dec 7, 2007
  3. I'm having a hard time visualizing this but can you create a surface
    that you can use as construction and then you could pattern the
    surface using patterned surface bodies?

    Matt Schroeder, Dec 7, 2007
  4. Bo

    Bo Guest

    The best way to describe what I want to do could be thought of as
    machining a V groove on the top or bottom conical surface of a
    Bellville washer, with the cutter centerline parallel to the
    centerline of the Bellville washer.

    Bo, Dec 7, 2007
  5. Bo

    Bo Guest

    The real issue is that extruding up to the plane I need doesn't me
    then later do a circular pattern, because the end plane for a blind
    cut is only good for the original V slot.


    Bo, Dec 8, 2007
  6. Bo

    TOP Guest

    In other words you want to model the groove cut by a ball nose cutter
    where the ball nose cutter is set a fixed distance below the surface
    of a shallow conical surface and the cutter axis is parallel to the
    cone's axis. Once you have a single groove you want to pattern it
    about the cone's axis.

    TOP, Dec 8, 2007
  7. Bo

    Bo Guest

    TOP, you are correct. -- I've figured out the subtleties of getting
    the blind end condition of the V slot with the "ball end mill" right.

    It is the "Circular Pattern" that does not work in my specific case,
    where a radial spline starts &/or ends with a Plane.

    The issue arises with a "shaft" with a radial cut which ends a radial
    groove @ Plane1 when you want to do a pattern around the longitudinal
    axis that obviously doesn't pierce that Plane1 for all grooves, as it
    requires indexing the Plane for each patterned V groove.

    LONGITUDINAL Splines on the surface of a shaft are easy, as the V cuts
    end on a plane that ends all the "Vs" of a pattern on the same

    But, if you want to do blind radial V slots on the Round END of the
    shaft, then the problem is apparent.

    I've seen this & known of it and just avoided the problem by one
    method or another in the past, but now, I just need to understand how
    to take care of this issue, and I assume there must be a common
    method, other than doing 240 sets of groove constructions all manually
    (God forbid).

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Dec 8, 2007
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