Configurations....derived vs just creating...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Realy starting to get into heavy configurations. I am wondering what or why
    specifically one would use a derived componet vs just creating a 2nd
    configuration with the new changes?

    Also, looking for any general rules of thumbs that you guys might have when
    it comes to setting up configurations.

    Arthur Y-S, Oct 26, 2003
  2. A set of derived configs lets you make changes on down the line to all
    derivations by changing the upper one, while at the same time allowing you
    to customize the lower levels while not propagating back up the ladder.
    Just creating more configs means you have to deal with each on individually.

    For example ( a very simple one,) let's just say you have a machine that you
    want to have Coke bottles in and one you want to have Pepsi bottles in.
    Each line may have changes in derived configs, but the parent will still
    control the Coke vs. Pepsi issue.

    Another way to use them is kind of like folders. If they are derived, you
    can shorten the list, and only expand it when you need to see the lower

    I found that I used separate configs until one time it clicked that the
    issue I was dealing with fit the derived scenario. Keep it in mind, and you
    will probably recognize the proper time. But remember, what you do to the
    top one, filters down to the ones below.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 27, 2003

  3. Very useful to us doing sheet metal, and multiple parts.

    On top level the different parts, folded. Derived the unfolded, and any
    in-between "in the manufacturing process" states that could be needed.

    Changes to top ones propagates to derived, and not to others at the same
    Jean Marc BRUN, Oct 27, 2003
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