Configurations and Photoworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Cadjunkie, May 27, 2007.

  1. Cadjunkie

    Cadjunkie Guest

    As a rule of thumb I ALWAYS do material adding and/or editing at the
    Part level. That said, I thought that I would be adventurous and try
    configuration with Photoworks. Needless to say it blows up big time
    once thrown into an Assembly in that when you render none of the
    materials are there. I even went back into the Part level and switched
    from "All" configurations to "Specify" configurations and it gave the
    same end result.

    So I had an "AH Ha"moment and thought, that I had missed something
    thinking that maybe the work flow might be different for
    configurations so I went to the Assembly and added different materials
    to each of the features while I was editing each Part "So this should
    solve my problem, right?" Click render and a big fat "NO" from the
    program. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is huge!!! if this is a bug. I mean having to create 3 separate
    files just to add materials from Photoworks makes me feel like Charlie
    Brown running to kick the football while Lucy is holding it. Maybe one
    of you guys know a work around, but for now it seems not to work the
    way it should.
    Cadjunkie, May 27, 2007
  2. Cadjunkie

    TOP Guest

    Maybe you just figured out the new SW logo. :p

    CB kicking a football while L holds it.

    TOP, May 27, 2007
  3. This is a bug and I believe it showed up in 2007. Configurations used
    to be a great way to show different materials but in their current
    state they are very frustrating.

    The only workaround I know it to open the part file (every part file
    with a configuration), cycle through and render each configuration,
    CONTROL Q the assembly and then try rendering. Sometimes this works
    and sometimes it doesn't.
    robrrodriguez, May 27, 2007
  4. Cadjunkie

    TOP Guest


    Can this be done throught the API? It may not work because sometimes
    subassemblies will "remember" configurations that no longer exist in
    parts or other subs.

    TOP, May 27, 2007
  5. Possibly? I see no reason why you couldn't write a macro that would
    cycle through the configs and render them. I'm not sure it would
    solve the overall problem of the assembly remembering them.
    robrrodriguez, May 29, 2007
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