configurations and mirrored parts

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. I have a part with some complicated chamfers. A drawing was made of the as
    drawn and of a mirred part. Now I've added a configuration to the original
    part showing a 'as welded' view (some holes removed and a couple of weld
    bevels added). My part drawing will show the 'as welded' configuration and
    the assembly drawing will show the part in all it's glory. That works fine
    but how do I address the mirrored part? I tried creating a config and
    filling in the holes with extrudes but since some of the holes were tapped
    (taped?) I get an error on the cosmetic threads. I've been using SolidWorks
    for 6 years and I've never ran across this problem before. Thanks for any
    help you can give.

    Not Necessarily Me, Jan 3, 2007
  2. Jeff,
    If I read this right, How about creating a config of the mirrored part
    before "mirroring", suppress the tapped holes, then put a new set of tapped
    holes with only the ones needed in the mirrored part, then "mirror" the
    ----Or suppress the tapped holes and put them(only the ones needed) in
    "after" the mirror operation.

    Michael Eckstein, Jan 3, 2007
  3. Not Necessarily Me

    T. Struemke Guest

    I think that Michael is on the right path in that you should create
    another configuration in the parent part prior to mirroring. This
    allows you to have unique features per component if need be. The
    mirrored component is derived from a specific configuration of the
    parent at the time the mirror is created. Therefore, any additional
    features you want present in one or both components would be created in
    the parent and the feature's display state would be controlled per
    configuration of the parent.
    I think at this point you should:
    1) move the mirrored part to a backup directory.
    2) start a new session of SW.
    3) open only the parent part and add the configuration(s).
    4) recreate the mirrored part deriving it from the appropriate
    configuration of the parent...make sure to use the exact same name as
    the previous mirrored part so that the references remain intact.

    This may screw up your drawing dimensions and/or notes of the mirrored
    part. Feel free to contact me directly if you may be easier
    to talk through it on the phone or to do a web meeting.

    T. Struemke, Jan 3, 2007
  4. Thanks for you replies, I found the simplest thing to do was to turn off
    the cosmetic threads in the source part. But I do see the merit in the
    suggestions offered.

    Thanks again,
    NOT REALLY ME, Jan 4, 2007
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