
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by abdulselam99, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. abdulselam99

    abdulselam99 Guest

    I'm a Mechanical engineering major and it is my first time taking
    solidworks. Can anyone give me an example how to create a
    configuration from existing parts?

    abdulselam99, Apr 19, 2007
  2. abdulselam99

    John H Guest

    I don't really understand the question.
    "Configuration" is a specific term in Solidworks (and most other 3D apps)
    which refers to a the ability to have variants of an item all contained
    within the same file, rather than needing to create multiple files.

    I wonder whether you mean "how do I create an assembly from existing parts"?
    If so, then take a look at the Solidworks help files and also do the
    tutorials, and then feel free to ask some more questions.

    John H
    John H, Apr 19, 2007
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