Configuration Within Assemblies for Drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Josh Hilgart, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. Josh Hilgart

    Josh Hilgart Guest

    I have a question about configurations.

    Basically I have two assemblies I'm working with. One is a spring
    inside a channel with a clip attached to the end of the spring. The
    other assembly is the sole of a shoe, with the assembly of the

    For drawing purposes I would like to shoe two different views of the
    entire shoe assembly, one configuration would be with the spring short
    and the other would be of the spring longer.

    I have created two configurations of the string, short and long(at the
    part level) which I then would modified through the Feature Properties
    of the part within the assembly mode of the channel/spring/clip. I
    also created two different configurations of the entire sole assembly
    with the assembly of the channel/spring/clip where I would have one
    configuration of the spring short, and long in the other long. This
    way I can use the entire sole assembly in the drawing with the
    different spring lengths shown in different configurations. However, I
    find that the configuration of the string propogates through to either
    assembly configuration when you change the parts Feature Properties to
    the either configuration.

    How do I go about fixing this so the entire sole configurations will
    show the string short and long? Do I need two configurations of the
    sub assembly, channel/string/clip with the string short and long
    because the entire sole assembly with dual configurations doesnt work.


    SW 2006 SP0
    Josh Hilgart, Nov 13, 2006
  2. Josh Hilgart

    kenneth Guest

    in help see"alternate position views"
    kenneth, Nov 13, 2006
  3. Try using Alternate Position Views on your drawing to show the primary
    config and them you can show the Alt View config as a phantom overlay
    and even dimension to the Alt View.
    I do this often to show movement thru a range of motion like swing or
    whynotdesign3d, Nov 13, 2006
  4. Josh Hilgart

    kenneth Guest

    for parts, create config's.
    then, in tree, edit a feature. select a dimension or feature setting, you
    will now have the options "this configuration" or "all configurations".

    for assemblies, create configs.
    then, right click on component in tree, select properties.
    select config of part you want to use with the corresponding assy config.
    kenneth, Nov 13, 2006

  5. That would be the way I would do it: two configurations of the part, the
    subassembly and the assembly.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 13, 2006
  6. Josh Hilgart

    TOP Guest

    The spring drives the overall length of the assemblies.

    Setup a Design Table in the Spring

    For example:
    Short 1
    Long 2

    Also setup a Design Table in the Assembly
    Short Short
    Long Long

    This assumes that the spring part is called Spring and it is the first
    instance of spring in the assembly you wish to change. If you setup
    your mates right the spring will drive the length of the assembly. In
    your drawing you can refer to the specific configs in your assembly and
    it will show the assembly at that length. If you insert an alternate
    position view you can specify one or more configs as alternate

    What is neat about this method is that you can have more than one
    spring in your assembly and drive them all from the design table to
    different configs (if you are on 2004 or later).
    TOP, Nov 13, 2006
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