Configuration specific bitmap-previews KILL PERFORMANCE!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Kim, Sep 2, 2003.

  1. Kim

    Kim Guest


    My template part " Hollow_section.sldprt" consisting of approx 50
    configurations with different sizes, just went from 350kb to 4,5Mb when
    saving it with SWX2003 (made in SWX2001) and my VAR says it's because of
    configuration specific bitmap-previews...

    Is there a way to switch of this "brilliant" function in SWX2003??


    does anyone know of a software similar to UNFRAG or ECOSQUEEZE which will
    actually delete the configuration specific bitmap previews wich SWX2003
    creates every time you activate an configuration?


    Kim, Sep 2, 2003
  2. I don't know that it kills performance per-say does take up quite a bit more
    disk space. Personally I think space is cheap. 40-120 gig drives ship with
    most new computers don't they. It does slow saving down a bit. But
    stripping them won't necessarily speed up your performance. Could anyone
    else say with any certainty wether it would slow down loading of a file, or

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 2, 2003
  3. Kim

    ]{ilr]3 Guest

    It matters quite a bit when you store all your files on a network
    resource as I do. (With ever increasing network traffic.)
    ]{ilr]3, Sep 2, 2003
  4. Kim

    KimSky Guest

    Hi again,

    I've just learned from my VAR that the only way to strip these files from
    their (from my point of view useless bitmap-information) is to open up the
    part(s) and use SaveAs to a different name. Now just how smart a SW-feature
    is this??? First spend 5-10 min saving your template parts as your PC will
    become useless during the time it's trying to save all the configuration
    specific bitmap previews. Then when your PC finally stops saving, your
    template part has gone from 300kb to 5Mb and become useless as a template
    part. Now I'm using these template parts about 100-200 times per each
    project so the increase in storage space needed per each project is not that

    For example a project with 100 copies of these "new" template parts will add
    an additional 400Mb of useless bitmap information to my server and I'm quite
    sure this will not help performance when opening and saving this project!
    I'm also storing on a network recource so....

    I vote that this "brilliant" SW-feature should be optional, what about you?


    KimSky, Sep 3, 2003
  5. Hello

    I've experienced the same thing with a few table-driven
    multiple-configuration parts. (boy...that was a mouthful.) I've actually
    abandoned them in a way.

    I've used my old multi... parts as "seed" files. I saved each configuration
    as a separate file with only one configuration. As long as they are all
    created from the same "seed" file, the different parts can be easily swapped
    using the "replace" command and all of the mates are automatically
    re-connected. It works great, I haven't had a failed mate yet, and my
    assemblies are nice and small. I'm not sure how you would apply this to
    template files, but it works great with part files. Don't delete the
    original "seed" files because you can always go back and create additional
    new parts.


    From Roger Meloche :)

    Roger Meloche, Sep 7, 2003
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