config files location

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pete, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. Pete

    Pete Guest

    The r2005 installation buried the configuration files (menu, pgp, lin, etc)
    in C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD

    Why not in the support folder as before? And why do the files not show up
    in a search in windows explorer?
    Can I move all these files to acad2005\support as in previous versions?

    Pete, Oct 16, 2004
  2. See my answer in alt.cad.autocad.
    And please don't post the same question in different newsgrous in the

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 16, 2004
  3. Pete

    Pete Guest

    Thanks. Better my chances of receiving a reply by posting in two
    newsgroups, don't you think?
    Pete, Oct 16, 2004
  4. versa.

    Nobody wants to write his answer several times in any different Newsgroups.

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 17, 2004
  5. No I don't. If you get a lot of replies in each ng, where do you want to
    follow the thread if all is splitted in several NGs .

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 17, 2004
  6. Pete

    Pete Guest

    Chill out dude. If I post here instead of there, what if the person with
    the answer is there and not here. I don't think you should assume that
    everyone subscribes to and reads the posts in every newsgroup. I posted in
    both. So obviously I was going to check for replies in both. There was no
    need for you to answer both and tell me to check your answer in the other
    one. Did you think I would forget to look there too? Silly.

    Thanks again for the help.
    Pete, Oct 17, 2004
  7. My next reply would be very off topic, therefore I will keep quiet.
    If you like to know more of my arguments send me a PM (delete all capitals).

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 17, 2004
  8. I didn't want to continue this thread (because OT), but I think I have to
    answer you for clarification
    Yes, replies to a *really* crossposting (one posting to more than one
    adress/ng) should be visible in all newsgroups. Because I use Outlook
    Express too I would expect this. But my answer given in a.c.a. is not
    visible in c.c.a. So I guess (only a shot in the dark) the OP didn't fire
    up a crossposting, but he sent two (or more?) independent postings with the
    same subject and the same contents.
    May be indeed any bad settings in my OE?
    Yes. If someone reads the subject in one of the ngs and the issue is
    interesting for him he waits and waits for replies without success - because
    the answer is given in the other ng. Well, the OP will look in all ngs, but
    the other readers (who don't know that there is the same thread in another
    ng too)?
    And if I want to share answer/my knowledge with all readers I must post my
    answer twice - "which for me is twice the work", you said it. This is the
    reason, why I'm not a friend of such posting "doublets".
    At last let me say, I didn't want to blow up this thread an fire up
    arguments. I only asked the OP with a friendly appeal to avoid such multi
    If it's only a technical problem on my side forgot all ...
    and forgive me

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 17, 2004
  9. Pete

    Pete Guest

    Guys, let me clarify also. I use OE. If I post a message in a.c.a, I only
    see it posted in a.c.a. I do not see it posted in c.c.a. and vice-versa.
    In the past. I've posted a question in one and if no one posted any replies,
    I posted it in the other. So, in this last case, I decided to post in both,
    my thinking being that I would increase my chances of getting replies.
    Conversely, if I post a reply to an issue in one ng (such as this) that is
    also posted in the other, I also do not see it in the other ng.

    So I'm not exactly clear on why, in your opinions, that it is a bad
    practice. If you see the same post in both newsgroups, why not just ignore
    one and reply to the other? For me, it's simple to monitor reply posts in
    both newsgroups. If these two newsgroups are linked in some way, it's news
    to me.

    And I'm still not clear on two statements made in this thread:

    Isn't this exactly what your saying that I should do; post to one only????

    If I only post my question in one ng, you'll obviously only reply in one ng
    and your knowledge wouldn't be shared with the other ng anyway. ???

    I'm sorry but I just don't get it and if my identical post in two different
    newsgroups was an annoyance to anyone (because from what I gather, it is
    nothing more than that), than I'm sorry.

    Pete, Oct 17, 2004
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