Concrete Documentation Suggestions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. matt

    Cliff Guest

    You STILL think SolidWorks is a CAM program !!!!
    Now, about those free demos ... LOL ...
    Cliff, Jul 15, 2007
  2. matt

    brewertr Guest

    Well if Matt had any doubt about you Jon, your clueless rant settled

    quote from the author of the blog you link to in your signature;

    Jon didn't respect our agreement, posting comments under fake names.
    Jon's authentic and fake comments are all posted from the same IP
    address, I can now see that my trust in Jon was

    brewertr, Jul 15, 2007
  3. matt

    Joe788 Guest

    Wow, another benchmark set by the ranting, raving, lunatic who has no
    idea how to even use the software he's speaking about.
    Joe788, Jul 15, 2007
  4. matt

    neilscad Guest

    well matt was generous enough to publish another ALF entry so as a
    bonus here is another few thoughts for him re help.
    I didnt think this would fit on his blog comment

    At 600,000 users SW has well and truly arrived in its own right so
    forget about catering to Autodesk 2d laggards
    It doesnt actually help them make a transition anyway.They need to
    learn to think SW style from the outset.
    Cleanse the notes of redundant references and terminology.
    If absolutely necessary put in a chapter recounting the history and
    evolution of engineering drawing with a nod to Autodesk

    Just as you can't achieve everything relying on intuition you can't
    expect to describe everything with simplicity.
    Without bogging in thesis detail you need to describe the tool in
    entirety and in relation to the others available.
    I can't think of any better recipe for content than everyones old
    To say "this is a spline try pulling on the handle to see the effect"
    misses the requirement completely.
    Explain a spline, talk about CV's ,knots, continuity and the effects,
    shortcomings and merits and what happens to curvature combs etc.
    Show how me to use it best to achieve a common real task.
    Give me sufficient hints so I can confidently tackle something
    Tell me if there is a better tool for the situation or an alternative
    way of getting there.
    Point out the underlying attributes so I can plan or anticpate the
    outcome of extreme missions
    Give me a heads up if what i'm doing doesnt migrate to other programs
    or formats well...
    its all sensible stuff if you actually want to help people use what
    they invested in

    Engineers are not stupid people.Dont underestimate them. They buy this
    program to achieve intelligent things and they expect they will get
    the full goods on it out of the box. They want to be informed about
    exactly what their tool is capable of or not.
    Clarity and directness are not the same as removing big words and
    keeping sentences short.
    If its well indexed and has links there is not such a need to keep it
    concise esp in electronic form cos it doesnt matter if there are 3000
    What worked well in the circumstances of early SW and with a printed
    manual in mind may not be the best style to perpetuate.
    I find some documents very hard to read and take in in PDF form on a
    Think about how the user has to learn the content.
    Sitting down under a tree with a book isnt the same experience as
    doing a relational search and following links,seeing a short demo or
    listening to a mp3 caption.
    In the future electronic paper may allow you to sit again under the
    tree but for now you are tied to a pc screen so you may as well have a
    bonafide multimedia approach from go not an adapted one.
    Actually I have confidence that SW guys given an opportunity to
    innovate can come up with something just as effective today as the
    original wired manual was in its day.
    Really the time has come to cast off old technology and use the new to
    even better complete effect.
    Although it has taken a while to get to the point where SW recognise
    the existing doesnt work as well as it needs to
    or perhaps they imagined it did this is an opportunity to empower
    users as never before with the potential already at their fingertips
    and they should embrace it enthusiastically.
    Please don't forget to check out your proposal with users before you
    actually commit to it though ;o)

    I thank you please leave a tip in the case by the door...
    neilscad, Jul 15, 2007
  5. matt

    Cliff Guest


    They were late to the game.
    If you want to do history (not a bad idea) start with
    Dr. Hanratty, 3D systems of various sorts that grew
    out of his work & APT (which his work sort of grew
    out of).
    Cliff, Jul 15, 2007
  6. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Explain the limits imposed on things by *being* a history-based
    parametric solids modeler.

    And someone explain why you cannot unfold anything but
    developable surfaces. Someone is ALWAYS trying!!!
    Cliff, Jul 15, 2007
  7. Haywood JaBlowme, Jul 15, 2007
  8. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 16, 2007
  9. matt

    D Murphy Guest

    I was hoping he'd interview you next. Perhaps you fellas could chit chat
    about two-axis lathe programming and your C-CRAP methodology.
    D Murphy, Jul 16, 2007
  10. matt

    Cliff Guest

    You really should keep up with things.

    BTW, I think Franco sells shrink-wraped graphics software.
    Cliff, Jul 17, 2007
  11. matt

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, Jul 17, 2007
  12. matt

    D Murphy Guest

    Well he did mention you in his "interview".

    Slap that on your resume.
    D Murphy, Jul 17, 2007
  13. matt

    D Murphy Guest

    Thanks for the thought. I looked into it a couple of years ago, maybe I'll
    take another look.

    Why they wasted their time working with Tornos on a Deco programming system
    is beyond me. Their US sales are next to nothing and based on their recent
    moves I'll be very surprised if they get any better.

    Maybe they want to sell more systems in Switzerland?
    D Murphy, Jul 17, 2007
  14. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 17, 2007
  15. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Not of interest, sorry.
    Let's see jb's <VBG>.
    Cliff, Jul 17, 2007
  16. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Perhaps such things actually work?
    Probably expanding capabilities & it's a start with a market.
    So they developed it abroad it looks like.
    Or abroad.
    Cliff, Jul 17, 2007
  17. matt

    D Murphy Guest

    I was talking about Tornos. Sheesh, if you only had the slightest clue...
    Well if they want more sales here, they picked the wrong tree to start
    baking up.
    D Murphy, Jul 18, 2007
  18. matt

    D Murphy Guest

    I should add that it's not the CAD part that I have a problem with, it's
    the whole "can't generate a complete working program" thing.
    D Murphy, Jul 18, 2007
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