Concrete Documentation Suggestions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    We have an opportunity to have some input, and I want to take
    advantage of it.

    If you have a suggestion or an idea about how to improve
    documentation, I want to hear from you. Follow this link and leave a

    I'm looking for practical, viable suggestions, and maybe identifying
    what you think the problems are. (insane rants will be removed)

    Matt Lombard
    matt, Jul 13, 2007
  2. matt

    Cliff Guest

    No jb AKA "Haywood", etc. eh?
    Cliff, Jul 13, 2007
  3. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 13, 2007
  4. matt

    brewertr Guest

    brewertr, Jul 13, 2007
  5. matt

    Cliff Guest

    I might be new to all these SW blogs, but who is this Cliff and Jon i keep
    hearing about?

    *** Jon Banquer is a self-proclaimed genius who believes that CAD and CAM are
    the same thing, that engineers are evil and stupid, that machinists should
    change engineered models when it suits them, and that he is the sole arbiter of
    truth on the internet.

    Cliff Huprich is Jon’s alter ego evil twin who follows Jon around and harrasses
    him all the time. The two of them together have made unmoderated forums nearly
    useless because of the high percentage of off-topic posts.

    So jb is always off-topic?

    Guess I'll be leaving out a suggestion for a permutated index (if they
    lack one), eh?
    That really was a handy thing back in ANVIL 4000 IMHO.
    Cliff, Jul 13, 2007
  6. Matt Lombard credible?

    Where's the head of Black Dragon Heavy Industries when you need him.

    How about the comp.cad.solidworks moderator.

    Haywood JaBlowme
    Haywood JaBlowme, Jul 13, 2007
  7. matt

    neilscad Guest

    ok good on you matt...
    if anyone has half a head up SW and stands a chance of being heard its
    if they were genuinely interested in improving stuff they are quite
    capable of carrying out their own official survey IMHO however so I
    dont really hold out much hope.

    As for input I've given enough clues about what to do already without
    writing a do list
    Its all been there for people who wanted to listen
    If they are completely at a loss for ideas they can go to the Alias
    help notes via the link I posted a few days ago and look at the
    StudioToolConcepts and Technical surfacing PDF
    I dont think its too hard for a reasonably bright individual to see
    the difference in detail and helpfulness

    BTW SW managrment does suck and the new guy had better be a brisk new

    and PS i'm ALF ;o) and you didn't mind me saying "I am with you buddy"
    and "it stinks"

    neilscad, Jul 14, 2007
  8. Haywood JaBlowme, Jul 14, 2007
  9. matt

    Cliff Guest

    "May I remind you that your an anonymous loser who is too chicken shit to post
    with his own name." - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    "Try posting them with your own name, dudette." - Clueless on Jan 5 2003

    ""Why not just use your real name instead of stooping to their level?"
    Because it can't be done without wasting massive amounts of my time!"
    - clueless on Jul 9 2007

    "If you posted with your real name this might have some
    credibility. Because you don't it's just lame." - Clueless on Jun 20 2007

    "Your typical of those that think they can attack someone and not be held
    accountable because they hide behind an computer and refuse to post with their
    real name .." - Clueless on Jan 7 2007

    "What a fucking joke you are. Why don't you have balls to post your last name
    you fucking pussy?" - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    "May I remind you that your an anonymous loser who is too chicken shit to post
    with his own name." - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    Etc <VBG>.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  10. matt

    Cliff Guest

    On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 15:54:24 -0700, Haywood JaBlowme

    (AKA jon_banquer)
    "May I remind you that your an anonymous loser who is too chicken shit to post
    with his own name." - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    "Try posting them with your own name, dudette." - Clueless on Jan 5 2003

    ""Why not just use your real name instead of stooping to their level?"
    Because it can't be done without wasting massive amounts of my time!"
    - clueless on Jul 9 2007

    "If you posted with your real name this might have some
    credibility. Because you don't it's just lame." - Clueless on Jun 20 2007

    "Your typical of those that think they can attack someone and not be held
    accountable because they hide behind an computer and refuse to post with their
    real name .." - Clueless on Jan 7 2007

    "What a fucking joke you are. Why don't you have balls to post your last name
    you fucking pussy?" - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    "May I remind you that your an anonymous loser who is too chicken shit to post
    with his own name." - Clueless on Dec 24 2006

    Etc <VBG>.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  11. matt

    Cliff Guest

    An intro manual well-defining technical terms for newbies
    might help noobs & the clueless like jb grasp what such
    programs are intended for/to do. If they can read .. Oops ..
    did I mention jb?
    Also a bit on the programming philosophy from the
    authors/programmers of such programs might speed
    up comprehension. An overview of intent & practices
    used. Oncce you can see a little into the programmer's
    heads learning the application is much faster, IMHO.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  12. matt

    Cliff Guest

    You claimed you bought his book, right?
    Or was that just another ad for a free demo?
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  13. matt

    jon_banquer Guest

    "We have an opportunity to have some input, and I want to take
    advantage of it."

    Speaking of opportunity fucktard shouldn't you be asking for
    suggestions on how to improve your SolidWorks Bible book first?

    Here's a clue oh clueless one: How about showing examples of how to
    use construction geometry to impart design intent in a sketch. Some
    how you missed this and a lot of other important issues in your
    SolidWorks Bible. For all your talk about design intent it's amazing
    how few examples you actually give in the SolidWorks Bible on design
    intent. Why is that fucktard?

    Perhaps I should start making a list of all the improvements that your
    SolidWorks Bible really needs. It would be a very long list. If I do
    start making a list it seems like the place to do it is right here
    since your really not interested in hearing opinions on your bullshit
    blog from those who know what a lying fucktard you really are and how
    little you know about machining anything.

    Just because I have said your book is good doesn't mean there is not
    room for massive improvement... especially because you have the *only
    book* on SolidWorks that is any good. Lucky for you others have chosen
    video rather than books otherwise your book would have to stand up to
    competition where there presently is none. SolidProfessor videos just
    smoke your book. From what I've seen of the free myigetit videos they
    do as well. I hope to finish the SolidProfessor videos I just
    purchased ( $600 Professional Package) in the next 2 weeks. When I do,
    I'll spend the $25 for the myigetit SolidWorks 2007 course and see if
    that smokes your SolidWorks Bible as well. Based on what I have read
    here and on Engineering Tips I get the feeling the myigetit SolidWorks
    course is going to fucking blow your SolidWorks Bible away.

    It's time to get your own book in order before telling SolidWorks
    Corp. how to improve. Seems like the whole idea maybe to get them to
    hire you. Sadly you would probably fit right in with all the other
    assholes at SolidWorks Corp. who don't understand how to machine
    anything... let alone write decent documentation.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jul 14, 2007
  14. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Probably assumed that the reader had clue #1.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  15. matt

    Cliff Guest

    What is your design intent?
    One hole or two?
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  16. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Solidworks is a really good machining program, is it? A book
    full of g-codes?
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  17. matt

    Cliff Guest

    That you have clue #1 I assume.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  18. matt

    Cliff Guest

    $25 per I heard.
    Cliff, Jul 14, 2007
  19. matt

    Cliff Guest

    Got the free demo, did you?
    Is the first $25 "Turning on the computer"?
    The next 10 lessons (all seem to assume you
    already have clue #2 -- which clearly you do not)
    will be $250 .....
    What do you know? I can count !!!
    That must be a clue.
    Cliff, Jul 15, 2007
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