Compound note

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Trond Svartvatn, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. In a drawing I have one compound note, and I want to delete it with a macro.
    How do I get it (or find it if you want) with a VB-macro, so that I can
    delete it, or remove it ?

    How about if I have several compound notes in a drawing, how do I then find
    the right one ? Do they have "names" or indexes so that they are
    recognisable ?

    Trond Svartvatn, Jun 24, 2003
  2. Yes they have names just like the features and dimensions in a
    drawing. They are only accessable through an API though. Finding the
    right one to delete might be tricky though. You could possibly search
    for one containing a specific text string.

    this will search your template for a note with a specific name and
    returns its text to a supplied string variable

    you will have to edit it to search for specific text and traverse a
    compound note.

    Function getNoteObject(Name As String, ByRef NoteValue As String) As _

    Dim swNote As SldWorks.note
    Dim swView As SldWorks.View

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swSheet = Part.GetCurrentSheet()


    Set swView = Part.GetFirstView
    Set swNote = swView.GetFirstNote

    While Not swNote Is Nothing
    If swNote.GetName = Name Then
    NoteValue = swNote.GetText
    Set getNoteObject = swNote
    Exit Function
    End If
    Set swNote = swNote.GetNext

    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID("Sheet1", "SHEET", _
    0.1437811854572, 0.04867757019569, 0, False, 0, Nothing)
    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID("Sheet1", "SHEET", _
    0.08464306802756, 0.04139040880625, 0, False, 0, Nothing)

    End Function

    this is the example that sw help had for traversing a compound note
    there is more to it so look it up

    Compound Note Example (VB)

    If (note.IsCompoundNote()) Then

    ' If object is compound note

    count = note.GetTextCount()

    ' Determine # of text entities

    n2 = note.GetTextAtIndex (2)

    ' Get the 2nd piece of text

    n1 = note.GetTextAtIndex (1)

    ' Get the 1st piece of text

    ht2 = note.GetHeightAtIndex (2)

    ' Get height of 2nd piece of text

    End if
    Corey Scheich, Jun 24, 2003
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