Component assemble starts with Move Tab - WF2

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Mike, May 5, 2005.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Hi all,

    When assembling components, the component placement box
    starts in the Move Tab.

    There used to be a setting to start it in the Place Tab.

    IS there a way to do this in WF2?


    Mike, May 5, 2005
  2. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    I didn't have the problem of component assemble starting in the Move tab.... until
    I started changing things in Pro/e to see if I could duplicate the effect. I did,
    but it didn't take effect until I completely left and restarted Pro/e. By then, I
    had no idea what I'd changed. But I proved to myself that it was something in by renaming it which loads the default values and got it back to
    assembling with the Placement tab. I've saved this 'default' (which
    saves automatically as, now I'm comparing it, line by line,
    with my old one to see what might have caused the change. ("Beyond Compare" is a
    very useful program for this kind of thing, giving you a split screen comparison
    of two files with any differences highlighted.) I haven't found it yet but is the place to look.
    David Janes, May 15, 2005
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