Complex very small scale .dxf's to Pro-E part

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by bfleming, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. bfleming

    bfleming Guest

    Hello All,
    New job and a new challenge. The gEEk creates small micro-wave
    components on alumina substrates. He has no concept of physical reality
    (he just designs to what works on his simulation package, and sends the
    result). I'm taking his .dxf's, dropping them into a drawing, and using
    the drawing to create part section. I need to deal with very small
    geometries and accuracies (1E-05"). These sections are not stable. Any
    ideas on how to pick and manipulate this geometry 1:1 w/o the
    possibility of feature shifting? Thanks to all.
    Bob Fleming
    bfleming, Jul 18, 2006
  2. bfleming

    David Janes Guest

    Something like Duroid 6010?
    Sounds familiar. No clearances anywhere, IOW. What dumbass "geniuses": the
    companies they work for foster this by providing minions, cad monkeys who scurry
    around cleaning up the "advanced" ones' droppings.
    Why DXFs!?! Their version of CST Microwave Studio doesn't have any solids
    translators? Not even SAT? Dumbass and cheapass: not a charming combo!
    First, DXF is units insenstive. Accuracy problems will increase if your default
    units is inches and you're getting exported files in mils, the typical board
    design units. Get them to set their files up, even temporarily, in inches and then
    export. Or, get them into a part with a custom units in mils then use this for
    your drawing. Most people don't realize that drawings in Pro/e are incapable of
    setting, scaling or interpreting units, meaning both ends of the communication
    process are lame. Drawings take their units exclusively from parts/assemblies. So,
    while in a drawing view, you may be able to scale geometry to fit on the sheet
    reasonably well, the whole business of accuracy is totally cocked up. But, mainly,
    I'd recommend trying to sweet talk them into exporting solid geometry (in the
    spirit of science, in spite of the fact that the otherworldly "genius" knows
    everything). The janitorial work doesn't decrease, but the ability to deal with it
    David Janes, Jul 20, 2006
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