Complete list of GDT symbol names

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mark Melvin, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. Mark Melvin

    Mark Melvin Guest

    Here you go! The results of my parsed Gtol.sym file. I hope people
    find this useful. I guess the next step would be to turn this into an
    HTML table including a shot of what the symbol actually looks like as
    well....but that's for another day.

    NOTE: You can just select the symbol text from the list below (including
    the <> brackets) and Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V into Solidworks! It may be
    useful to make a shorter list of your favourites and keep it handy.

    Maybe I'll integrate a symbol browser/inserter into an addin in the
    future, using the Gtol.sym file as a source. Anyway - later, dudes.


    OK - the newsgroup still hasn't posted my 2 previous posts with the file
    inline (it's onyl 45K for god sakes!), so you can download the text file

    I'm sure it will appear in the list later...
    Mark Melvin, Apr 7, 2004
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