
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    To the person or persons who have chosen to lay complaint with my ISP about
    my participation here I wish to make it known that my posting to this ng
    ended yesterday -1 FEB-of my own choosing for my own reasons- this was known
    by you all well in advance.
    No one here was willing to voice any objection over the past period to me
    personally for my conduct which I find to be somewhat cowardly. However I
    will apologise to anyone who was offended by my opinions re Solidworks
    software, my sense of humour or whatever else ails you.
    May you all have a terrific year ahead and may the software not defeat you.
    neil, Feb 2, 2004
  2. neil

    MM Guest


    Why would anyone do that !!!!

    I'm not questioning that someone actually did, but having looked back at
    your posts, I can't figure out why. Your stuff is tame by this NG's

    Granted, I didn't go back that far, but didn't find anything even remotely
    objectionable. In fact, my own responses show allot less restraint than

    Sounds kinda personal. You maybe piss some one off in private ??

    MM, Feb 2, 2004
  3. neil

    neil Guest

    well i don't want to get back in here Mark..just left... I was just
    beginning to enjoy fishing... : ) but I will say that I think someone
    was/is being malicious and said so to the ISP.
    I really don't see why someone would lay complaints after I have left but it
    takes all types to make a world eh? I have only ever sent 4 private emails
    to anyone appearing here in the 14 months and those were to give assistance
    to its got me beat...some really tiny bent mind I guess..
    anyway cheers gotta get back to fishing...thanks for the concern....
    neil, Feb 2, 2004
  4. neil

    Nick E. Guest

    for reference, it's not just Neil.

    I assume me from the "1" thread over my disgust with derogatory remarks
    towards Indians.

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Feb 2, 2004
  5. neil

    TheTick Guest

    I'm really at a loss. I searched old "neil" posts via Google and find
    nothing offensive.

    As far as complaining to your ISP, that was gutless. Why worry about
    what such a freak of nature thinks?
    TheTick, Feb 2, 2004
  6. neil

    Rocko Guest

    Great now they are censoring the internet!! Like we really need that.
    Rocko, Feb 2, 2004
  7. neil

    Pete Newbie Guest

    I think your ISP should tell that person to get lost, it's like watching TV,
    there's always the on/off switch!
    I for one, have enjoyed your postings :)
    Pete Newbie, Feb 2, 2004
  8. neil

    Sporkman Guest

    Ditto . . . and sorry to see you go. Happy fishing.
    Sporkman, Feb 5, 2004
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