Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Daniele, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Daniele

    Daniele Guest

    Hello...i have installed on PC autocad 2002 and I've this message error!!
    I'm not able to solve this problem....I've tried all ...disisntallation,
    re-installation, changing har disk,cleaning with norton utilities... alweys
    the same error!!

    errore di pagina non valida nel
    modulo AC1ST15.DLL in 019f:65fe1e3b.
    EAX=00000000 CS=019f EIP=65fe1e3b EFLGS=00210246
    EBX=bff77716 SS=01a7 ESP=00c8f850 EBP=00c8fa1c
    ECX=00000000 DS=01a7 ESI=00db14c0 FS=116f
    EDX=bff7024c ES=01a7 EDI=00000001 GS=0000
    Byte all'indirizzo CS:EIP:
    8b 10 8d 4e 04 8d 7e 14 89 11 8b 50 04 89 51 04
    Immagine dello stack:
    00000001 00db15c0 00db15a0 64616f4c 7262694c 41797261 c1711200 00c8f890
    00c8f8a4 81908050 819b0178 c1711200 00c8f8a4 bff7a10e bff7b326 81908000
    Daniele, Sep 16, 2003
  2. Daniele

    Nike Guest

    This is problem if you have Norton ant virus software. Go to ACAD support
    page and search for AC1ST15.DLL then download new AC1ST15.DLL file and
    replace old. It works for me.
    Nike, Sep 16, 2003
  3. Daniele

    Nike Guest

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