comparing linestring

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by John Celebre, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. John Celebre

    John Celebre Guest

    I received a data set (water courses) of linestrings. This
    data set was weeded out by removing some vertices to make
    the linestrings smoother. Other data has since been placed atop
    of this modified set.
    However, the client wants us to use the original data set
    I now need to identify which vertices have been removed using
    the new modified file versus the original watercourse file.
    Is there a procedure or a process that would help me to
    identify these vertices?

    thanks in advance for any help.

    John Celebre
    John Celebre, Oct 20, 2003
  2. John,

    There are a couple of commercial apps out there to compare files.
    Axiom has a good one.
    If you merged the two files together, I suppose you could use
    Microstation's to generate a report of duplicates.
    Basically, you are looking for elements that are NOT duplicate, which
    would be the ones changed.

    However, I would probably end up writing an app to do this.
    It also depends on what information you really need.
    Do you want to know what elements have had vertices removed?
    Or do you want to know what vertices were removed?
    What do you plan on doing with the information?

    I am unaware of an existing application to give you this information.

    Gerald Hernandez, Oct 21, 2003
  3. John Celebre

    Chris Blauw Guest

    Dear John
    Try this site : and look
    for dgncompr307. It can compare differences between dgn's and write
    them to another dgn. Mayby that is wath you need.

    Greetings Chris Blauw
    Chris Blauw, Oct 22, 2003
  4. John Celebre

    John Celebre Guest

    Thanks a lot for responding. I need to locate the vertices
    that have been removed so that I can modify our "new data set" to
    match the original linestrings vertices.
    So just locating where the new vertices don't match the
    original vertices would be enough to do the job.
    thanks again,
    John Celebre
    John Celebre, Oct 22, 2003
  5. John Celebre

    John Celebre Guest

    Dear Chris
    Thanks a lot for responding. I went to the link, but when I
    clicked on the utility "dgncompr307" it responded with:
    "action canceled - IE unable to link to web page".
    I have used this site before, but it appears inactive
    presently. Where you able to access the "downloadable files"?

    thanks again
    John Celebre
    John Celebre, Oct 22, 2003
  6. John Celebre

    AliciaS Guest

    AliciaS, Oct 22, 2003
  7. John Celebre

    Kent Merrill Guest

    How about just referencing one data set file to the other data set file,
    turning on level symbology and setting the level symbology of each file to
    different colors. then just visually looking at the differences (turn off
    level with other elements on them).
    Kent Merrill, Oct 30, 2003
  8. Inga Morozoff [Bentley], Oct 30, 2003
  9. Using that you might want to change reference update sequence
    Thomas Voghera, Oct 31, 2003
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