compare two lists

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jayasree, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. jayasree

    jayasree Guest

    i got two lists which has the insertion point and the end point

    ex ins_pt (-3.5432 4.5678)
    end_pt (-3.5432 4.5678)

    When i use (equal ins_pt end_pt) it returns nil.

    Is there any other way to compare both lists and return T.

    jayasree, Oct 12, 2005
  2. jayasree

    mguzik Guest

    If my memory is correct equal is used for comparing list and eq for

    So using the two points above in the following will yield true:

    (setq ins_pt '(-3.5432 4.5678)
    end_pt '(-3.5432 4.5678))
    (if (equal ins_pt end_pt)
    (princ "\nThey are equal ")
    (princ "\nThey are not equal")

    Also try with two lists that are not exactly the same with the optional
    fuzz input variable of equal:

    (setq ins_pt '(-3.5432 4.567)
    end_pt '(-3.5432 4.566))
    (if (equal ins_pt end_pt 0.005)
    (princ "\nThey are equal ")
    (princ "\nThey are not equal")

    Hope this helps comparing lists
    mguzik, Oct 14, 2005
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