Okay, I thought this was going to be easy but - wrong answer! All I want to do is to create a button to allow the user to browse to find the file they are looking for. (an excel spred sheet to gather information from to create a drawing, another thing I think will be easy, we'll see) so I made this button that uses The Commondialog to show the system open dialog box. Now how do I pass this information back to my form?? I thought it would be as simple as TxtBoxFile.Text = Commondialog1.Filename - Wrong answer again! The help files don't give me diddly and the object browser says thaty the Filename member " Returns/sets the path and filename of a selected file." Sounds like what I want, but that's as far as it goes. Again all I'm trying to do is push a button, show the open dialog box, and then after the user has selected a file and pressed the open button, return to the form and have a text box contain the path and filename they just selected. It can't be that difficult. Is it?? Thanks. Dave. K