Common practice in casting design

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MHill, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. MHill

    MHill Guest

    I'm looking to gather information on what some of the casting
    designers in the group do when they approach a casting design problem.

    I've done a few aluminum castings this year, but I am beginning to
    fell like I may not be going about it in the most efficient manner.
    What I have been doing is to design the part in its machined state
    (all of my castings have had significant machining done as finishing
    operations). Designing in it machined state allows me to readil
    control the position of the machined interfaces realtive to other
    parts in the assembly. When I have finished the design of the
    assembly and parts, I create a configuration or separate part that
    will become the as-cast part. I add machine stock to this to this
    part and fix draft problems that I may have left out in the finished

    I have found that I do not like the configuration route because I run
    into problems with feature suppression and finding parent child
    relationships that I didn't expect. Perhaps this is really just
    exposing flaws in my modeling techniques...I'm not sure. I do not
    consider myself a casting expert, and am definitely learning as I go.
    Since there is no one at my company to show me a better way, I am
    turning to the collective intelligence of this group. I then plan to
    document what I find into a best practices instruction sheet for my
    fellow designers to use in the future.

    Any input or experiences that can be shared would be appreciated.

    MHill, Sep 22, 2003
  2. MHill

    matt Guest

    The way I like to work is to make the part as cast first, and then add
    features to remove material to make the as machined. Using this method, I
    never have problems with the configurations. You need to have a scaled up
    config anyway to account for the shrink. Making cast or molded parts is
    always a game of rock, paper, scissors anyway, between the fillets, draft
    and shell. Complicating it by doing the machined features first is too
    much for me to mess with.

    That way makes more sense to me since it follows the manufacturing method.

    I can see where you would have problems going the other way, because
    creating drafted faces from the machined detail could be a real bear.

    matt, Sep 22, 2003
  3. MHill

    MHill Guest

    Two responses so far and both are saying the same thing. I have a
    feeling this trend may continue.

    I absolutely agree that removing material for the machined features
    makes the most sense from a manufacturing standpoint. I haven't done
    it that way because it was easier to design in context if I was
    designing to the machined state. I will have to experiment with this
    and see how it works out for me.

    Am I hearing that using a configuration is better than a separate

    MHill, Sep 22, 2003
  4. MHill

    Arlin Guest

    Check this thread out about exactly the issue you describe:

    IMO, from a design perspective it is best to design the finished part.
    Then use methods (insert part, for instance) to build the cast part from
    that. Document your design intent, not the (current) manufacturing

    This is the same methodology as everyone seems to recommend for sheet
    metal: Model what you want and let the manufacturers figure out how to
    build it (just keep communication open to ensure you don't design an
    impossible part).

    I understand how this can be difficult to manage and I understand why
    others do it 'the other way.'
    Arlin, Sep 22, 2003
  5. MHill

    matt Guest


    I think I actually do it that way, but I build it in such a way that the
    two can be separated. I'm thinking about how the mold will be made while
    I'm designing the part, and I try not to model anything that I won't be
    able to mold. If I've done a good job, when I'm done designing the
    finished part, all I have to do is suppress and maybe reorder a couple of
    features to get the cast part.

    matt, Sep 22, 2003
  6. MHill

    matt Guest

    I'm just saying that I'm accustomed to doing it that way. It is also
    viable to use the as cast as a base part in another as machined part, but
    if you do that, you still have to have scaled and unscaled configs of the
    as cast (if you are building the molds as well). If you don't have to
    worry about compensating for shrink, then that simplifies things.

    matt, Sep 22, 2003
  7. MHill

    Kman Guest


    Unfinished first and machined later works for one component models.
    However, if the process involves designing a complicated machine, the
    components are usually modeled in their finished states. I don't know
    how one would go about designing a complete machine as unfinished
    components (castings, weldments, etc ...) and then circle back around
    and create a finished machine assembly. That would be complicated.

    Fundamental difference between product/mold and machine design.

    Kman, Sep 22, 2003
  8. MHill

    kellnerp Guest

    Having done a few complex castings I'll throw in my 2 cents.

    If the casting must become part of a complex multi part assembly then:

    1. Create an assembly that defines the connectivity/bounding surfaces for
    the components. The assembly will contain datum planes, axes, envelope
    parts, etc. to define design intent. Envelope parts can be used to define
    the mechanical connectivity before the casting is completed.

    2. Hang the casting(s) on the assembly, i.e., top down approach with minimal
    incontext features. Use the assembly to get the important interface
    information and then work in the part for speed.

    3. Keep the casting simple if it is complex till enough of the whole
    assembly is firmed up, then refine the casting, but make sure to consider
    draft and parting line issues early.

    4. Add machining operations last. There are several very good reasons for

    a. If the casting is complex (and most will be because of draft and
    fillet issues consider doing the machining operation on a derived part for speed.

    b. Adding material to a model that is machined first can cause all ki
    nds of issues with sliver edges, etc. It will probably be easier to cut aw
    ay the casting.

    c. Having the casting part first will speed up your cycle time as y
    ou can let your castings drawings out while finishing the machined portion.
    There is some risk to this, but some people have schedules that demand the risk.

    4. Draft and possibly fillets will likely be your biggest time consumer
    especially in conjunction with lofts and sweeps. Know how to use the Atomic
    Bomb of Fillets.
    kellnerp, Sep 23, 2003
  9. MHill

    Art Woodbury Guest

    (snipped good advice added to my tips folder)
    Which is ???
    Art Woodbury, Sep 23, 2003
  10. MHill,

    I have just finish creating a guideline for this. I will give you the
    quick and dirty.

    My approach is for long-term revision and understandability of the

    - FIY -
    My method for deciding when to use a config and when to create a new
    Use Configs for family of parts when only dimensions of existing
    features are modified. When new features require to be managed with
    configurations then try and opt to use base parts or new

    1 - Create your as CAST design. This will be used as a BASE PART for
    your machined casting. This becomes a base part you can use to create
    any new-machined part. Sometimes one casting is machined to create
    many different new parts...extremely dangerous to control with
    configurations and risky.

    2 - Create a new part, go to INSERT, BASE PART and select your
    casting. All the features in this part are only for the creation of
    the new part. (I created the requirement that all machining features
    are to be colored RED.) It is clear to any user what has been done and
    what needs to be machined. Revisions are clear and cannot affect
    other machined part versions or the casting.

    This method is currently being used with much success. Remember to
    consider the reason why to use a configuration and what benefits you
    will have.

    Always try and use a MASTER set of layout sketches to capture the
    design intent when creating the casting. This resolves the need to
    create a machined version first and then adding material for the

    I currently have a co-worker re-working an complex casting from the
    configuration setup to the separate part setup. He has learned the
    hard way the benefits of having a manageable design.

    Jorge Medeiros
    Mech Design Eng
    Jorge Medeiros, Sep 23, 2003
  11. MHill

    kellnerp Guest

    You'll have to see Ed Eaton about that one. It is his baby and it works
    wonders. I think it is part of his Curvy Stuff series which you can find
    from the newsgroup and download.

    Oh, alright I will try to explain it.

    Most fillet failures are caused by a number of edges coming together in what
    it euphemistically called a complex geometry failure. The idea is to
    extrude a wall of material into the part centered on this failure point
    then fillet up to the wall. After the fillets are in the intersection edge
    of the extrusion and the part is picked and the fill surface command is
    used to make a surface. That surface is then used to trim away the
    extrusion and hopefully leave a smooth blended surface between the part and
    the adjacent fillets.

    I have sometimes had to use this four or five times to get a single fillet
    to work.
    kellnerp, Sep 24, 2003
  12. Atomic bomb fillets-

    I think Paul is referring to a section in the filleting tutorial that can be
    found through the 'tutorials' link at

    Atomic bomb filleting is a really terrific technique for working through
    tough filleting situations (it just saved my rear this morning, ironically
    enough) that came to my attention in Jason Pancoasts 'art of filleting'
    presentation at SW World. The histrionic name is just how I refer to them -
    I don't think that Jason had any name for the process.
    Edward T Eaton, Sep 24, 2003
  13. MHill

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Paul & Ed,

    Thanks very much for the explanation. I downloaded "Curvy Stuff" some time
    ago and must have missed or forgotten the technique.

    In addition to having you two among the "A" list of experts on this NG, I'm
    very fortunate to have Jason (and Keith Pedersen and Joe St.Cyr) answer my
    VAR's support line. I just doesn't get any better.

    Thanks again,

    Art W.
    Art Woodbury, Sep 24, 2003
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