common-centroid using Layout XL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by arslanumut, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. arslanumut

    arslanumut Guest


    How can I draw common-centroid layouts using Virtuoso Layout XL?

    arslanumut, Feb 9, 2006
  2. arslanumut

    TimRoy1 Guest

    Hi Umut,

    The schematic can either be drawn with mutiple transistors for the ones
    in parallel or they can use the buss naming convention for the instance
    name, M1<0:3> will give you 4 individual M1 devices connected in

    Best Regards,
    TimRoy1, Feb 10, 2006
  3. arslanumut

    Erik Wanta Guest

    In the layoutXL options enable the option generate multiple instances.
    When you import the iterated instance or one with a mFactor it will
    create individual devices in the layout. You can then manually place
    and route the the instances to achieve common centroiding.

    Note Cadence has another tool called Neocell that automates common
    Erik Wanta, Feb 25, 2006
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