Commercial Sites follow up

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    In the last week or so I posted about commercial sites capturing free
    sites in frames under their sign-ins, advertising banners and site logos.

    I'm happy to say that the main offender,, has reconsidered
    his format and now links directly to external sites such that the
    external site is seen in its intended context. Most web browsers have a
    "back" button if you choose to use it.

    Here are some of people who post here (or have in the past), companies,
    resellers and even competing commercial forums who had their sites or
    data hijacked in this way:

    Rob Rodriguez
    Scott Baugh
    Paul Salvador
    Sean Dotson
    Sean Adams
    Ed Eaton
    Matt Lombard
    SolidWorks Corp
    CAP Inc (SW Reseller who I'm sure was thrilled to have their name under
    the Autocad ad banners)
    CAD Digest
    Fisher/Unitech (another SW reseller)
    Eng-Tips (a competing commercial forum)
    Design Point (SW reseller)
    3D content central

    In many cases he is still linking to sites that require sign ins. It
    gets silly after a while. Why would you sign in to a site that is just
    re-posting what you can get from the original source without the spam
    and spinning flash ads? Anyway, he removed the offending frames.

    These guys that run these ad-ridden commercial sites all make the point
    that the sites are expensive to maintain, which I understand, but adding
    advertisements is their choice, and going elsewhere is my choice. They
    also all make the point that the sign in is to avoid spammers, but how
    is unwanted commercial advertisement ok when its on a website and not ok
    when its in an email? I guess I fail to see the difference. Plus, they
    just spam your email address anyway once you sign in.
    matt, Sep 6, 2006
  2. matt

    Sean Dotson Guest

    I am glad to see that 3DCADTips has chosen to take the high road and display
    the sites and tutorinls int their own browser window the way they should be

    While I agree that signing into 3DCADTrips just to get to a link is silly
    and he might be selling the addresses to other companies, I don't agree that
    all logins are ill natured.

    Take for example my forums. The reason I require a sign in is to keep the
    spammers from POSTING to the forums. It's a moderation technique. No one
    wants to view posts that make no sense directing you to the latest "male
    enhancement" product. So I require a login to post (not to read, just to
    post). I don't catch them all but it deters most. Have you seen forums
    where they do NOT require logins? They are ridden with garbage. Even this
    newsgroup falls prey to it.

    And by the way, with most webforums, you can hide you email address once you
    sign in to avoid getting mail spam.
    Sean Dotson, Sep 6, 2006
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