Commercial Products with Cadence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Awqati, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. Awqati

    Awqati Guest

    Hello Fellow Engineers !

    Does anyone know or can guess in what programming languages commercial
    products/tools like the following or other example EDA tools were
    written in ?

    MentorGraphics - Calibre
    Avanti/Synopsis - StarRCXT
    Cadence - NeoCircuit
    MunEDA - Wicked

    Since there must be many interactions with the Cadence database, these
    must have been written using skill ? Is this a valid argument ?
    Otherwise they must be able to create/read proprietary cadence
    database schematic/layout/symbol file/syntax/info !

    If these are written in skill, why is it binary ? Do they compile it
    or is it encrypted using the skill function ?

    Finally, What about the "Graphical User Interfaces" ? Does anyone know
    what language is used? I don’t think it is skill since they have many
    colours and logos on their GUIs ? Am I correct in this assumption or
    does skill provide a way of implementing complex/non-standard GUI
    buttons ?

    Many thanks in advance for your valuable time and support in my

    Awqati, Feb 11, 2009
  2. Awqati wrote, on 02/11/09 11:05:

    All of these products will use some SKILL code in the interface to Cadence
    Virtuoso. However, the main applications are not written in SKILL; I can't
    comment what they are written in (I'm not sure why that matters).

    SKILL does have the ability to create forms - and you can have coloured icons
    and so on on the forms - but it's not as comprehensive as something implemented
    using (say) Qt widgets natively or some other widget set.

    Also, it's possible to read the database from C/C++ - either using (say) ITKdb
    (Integrator's Toolkit) or directly using OpenAccess (in the most recent releases).

    Why are you asking?


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 12, 2009
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