command to move all objects to same plane

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by vicmc, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. vicmc

    vicmc Guest

    I am currently working on some drawings created by somebody else,I do drafting/engineering at a curtain wall company,anyway mi problem is the drawings that I'm working on have objects on different planes on "z", after suffering in the help window for a good hour or so I've decided to ask here if there is a command that will move all objects to the same plane at once. In this case move all objects to zero on the "z" plane
    vicmc, Jun 28, 2004
  2. vicmc

    Chip Harper Guest

    Code for a button macro:
    Chip Harper, Jun 28, 2004
  3. Hello Vic,
    Command: CHANGE,
    Select objects (or type ALL),
    P (for properties),
    E (for elevation),
    0 (zero)
    'Tis the remedy for most objects, but alas, not all.
    I wish you well,
    Fineline Draughting, Jun 29, 2004
  4. vicmc

    tstright Guest

    What would one change in that to force the objects to a different elevation?
    tstright, Jun 29, 2004
  5. vicmc

    Chip Harper Guest

    ^C^C_select;all;;move;p;;0,0,1e99;;move;p;;0,0,-1e99;; would get everything
    at the same elevation (0,0)
    so add this to the end move;p;;0,0,NEW_ELEVATION_HERE
    to move everything to a new elevation.
    Chip Harper, Jun 29, 2004
  6. vicmc

    vicmc Guest

    Hello Chip ,
    Thanks a lot for you're response I will try this right away, and thank u tstright that was going to be my next question also.

    victor mc
    vicmc, Jun 29, 2004
  7. vicmc

    Stephen J Guest

    Does this work in lines with varying z coordinates?
    Ex. start point z=0 endpoint z=4.

    Stephen J
    Stephen J, Jun 29, 2004
  8. vicmc

    Tom Smith Guest

    Why not select everything, and in Properties type in a new Z value??
    Tom Smith, Jun 29, 2004
  9. vicmc

    Chip Harper Guest

    Chip Harper, Jun 29, 2004
  10. vicmc

    Chip Harper Guest

    Your Welcome :)
    Chip Harper, Jun 29, 2004
  11. vicmc

    Greg Guest

    try the command "flatten"
    Greg, Jun 29, 2004
  12. vicmc

    Tom Smith Guest

    try the command "flatten"

    It's not my question. I don't know if that's what vicmc wants. He probably
    doesn't want the 3d things changed to 2d, and has asked for changing them to
    a Z other than 0.

    Every time this question comes up, somebody posts a routine or macro to do
    it, and it always seems to me that these pet methods were probably written
    several versions ago. I used to have an old "change Z" routine too for the
    same purpose, but since we've had the Properties interface I haven't needed
    it. Just select whatever you want and type in the new Z.

    Maybe I'm missing something. I've asked the same thing a couple of times
    lately and haven't had a reply.
    Tom Smith, Jun 29, 2004
  13. vicmc

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Eric,

    This method or (-ch p e 0) is what I always "USED" to use, but was never satisfied as it would ignore the defpoints elevation, resulting in the necessity of re-dimensioning.

    Try Chips macro out! You'll love it, as it moves everything including the defpoints to Z=0.

    I put it on an icon that I'll have worn out in a year from so much use.
    madcadd, Jun 29, 2004
  14. vicmc

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Chip,

    I always "USED" to use (-ch p e 0), but was never satisfied as it would ignore the defpoints elevation, resulting in the necessity of re-dimensioning. But yours is great and moves everything including the defpoints to Z=0.

    Thanks again for a really great tool!!!

    Reply From: Chip Harper
    Date: Jun/28/04 - 16:51 (CDT)

    Re: command to move all objects to same plane
    Code for a button macro:
    madcadd, Jun 29, 2004
  15. vicmc

    Chip Harper Guest

    Your Welcome... but the credit goes to another... the oldest post that I am
    aware of is from Randy Richardson back in 2000. I'm just passing on
    something I learned here in the groups. :)
    Chip Harper, Jun 29, 2004
  16. vicmc

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    <<I put it on an icon that I'll have worn out in a year from so much use. >>

    Don't 'cha just hate it when the monitor begins to leak out around those worn spots???
    OLD-CADaver, Jun 30, 2004
  17. Hello Madcadd,
    I have become very popular around the office with Chips magic macro.
    We have added a modified macro for selecting entities i.e.:
    replaced all;; with \
    For the novice "be sure to be in the desired UCS before firing"
    Thanks for your persuasion.
    Fineline Draughting, Jun 30, 2004
  18. vicmc

    owenr Guest


    I don't think your 'missing anything', it comes down to the subtle differences between what different users are trying to achieve.

    Using the old 'change>properties>elevation' command line is fine for users who just want to change an entity of constant Z value i.e. when its at a different elevation other than 0. As you point out, its easier to achieve this nowadays via the Properties interface. However, others may be trying to 'convert' 3d poly's which have different Z values at different vertices, to 2d. Properties won't do this, irrespective of how you invoke it.

    In fact, as far as I understand, you can't 'convert' 3d to 2d (stand by for a whole load of posts on use of 'flatten', solview, etc. etc.) but IMHO the 1e99 trick is about the nearest you can get to a conversion though.

    The frustrating thing is that although you can lose the Z values of a 3d poly to effectively flatten it to 2d, if you list it your still told that its a 3d polyline (but with all vertex z values = 0), so if you try and apply a linetype to the entity it makes no difference whatsoever.

    I've posted a few questions on this topic before and had some helpful suggestions on building a lisp routine to 'rebuild' 3d entities in 2d but have never found the time to pursue the problem to a successful conclusion.

    Maybe I'm in the minority in trying to get a true 2d conversion.
    owenr, Jun 30, 2004
  19. vicmc

    tstright Guest

    As in..


    I'm new at this....
    tstright, Jun 30, 2004
  20. vicmc

    Tom Smith Guest

    I don't think your 'missing anything', it comes down to the subtle
    differences between what different users are trying to achieve.

    I suppose. We seldom see anything that contains truly 3D objects. The most
    common related thing that we encounter is the need to place a building on a
    site plan provided by a surveyor. Generally their topo lines are drawn as
    plain 2D lwpolylines, but placed at the "real" Z elevation -- presumably
    because that's what their software spits out. But we want flat drawings! The
    Properties interface is the easiest way to move all of these to Z=0. In
    earlier versions, I used a "chgz" routine to entmod these things, in order
    to avoind the command-line chprop interface, but nowadays it's just as easy
    to use the Properties palette.

    Until I got it cleaned up, there were a few of our oldest standard blocks
    which inexplicably contained a line or two with a thickness. Circa R14, if
    you had a running intersection osnap setting and your cursor crossed a line
    with thickness, you'd get an "unhandled access violation" crash. So I had a
    "nothk" routine to fix that. I don't know if this bug still exists, since
    we've fixed all the blocks now. But again Properties would be just as easy
    now for setting thickness=0.
    Tom Smith, Jun 30, 2004
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