Command Line

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sdilucca, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. sdilucca

    sdilucca Guest

    Goal: I want to be able to type customized commands right into the
    command line and have VBA respond to them

    Problem: The BeginCommand event is not triggered if your command is
    unrecognizable by CAD

    Question: How can I trigger an event if any command (for example:
    "drawThreeGuys") is attempted to be excecuted in the command line?
    sdilucca, Mar 9, 2006
  2. sdilucca

    shizitz Guest

    You could make the commands "blank" lisp files, then use the
    "BeginLisp" event to decide which VBA function to run.

    For example, your lisp file would contain:

    (defun C:drawThreeGuys ()

    And the VBA code would be something like:

    Private Sub AcadDocument_BeginLisp(ByVal FirstLine As String)
    If FirstLine = "(C:drawThreeGuys)" Then
    'Call function for drawThreeGuys here
    End if
    End Sub

    shizitz, Mar 10, 2006
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