command line CDL out - cadence lib' must be local?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by stuart.duncan, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Hi there,

    does anyone know when using this command:

    si -batch -command netlist

    Must it be run in the directory that contains your cadence library?
    For example can i change my si.env such that i can run CDL out from
    another directory :

    simLibName = "/another_directory/stu_TEST_LIBRARY"

    It does not seem to work:

    *WARNING* ddGetObj: lib name '/another_directory/stu_TEST_LIBRARY' is
    not a legal library name.

    Then a failure saying that cellview does not exist.


    stuart.duncan, Apr 7, 2009
  2. stuart.duncan

    Marc Heise Guest

    It probably checks the local cds.lib for your "simLibName". Setup
    a cds.lib in the directory where you want to run si and define lib and path
    there. Don't add the path to the "simLibName" variable. (untested, just a guess)

    Marc Heise, Apr 7, 2009
  3. Marc Heise wrote, on 04/07/09 16:50:
    Or do:

    si -cdslib /path/to/cds.lib -batch -command netlist

    The simLibName is the name of the library (definitely) and not the path to the
    library. Only cds.lib files (or potentially lib.defs if using OA-enabled
    versions) contain the path to a library.


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 7, 2009
  4. Hi guys, thanks for the feedback.

    Andrew this works nicely:
    Don't want to push my luck but can i adjust my si.env or the command
    to output the netlist to another name like "myCell.cdl".


    stuart.duncan, Apr 8, 2009
  5. stuart.duncan

    Marc Heise Guest

    Instead of pushing your luck you could push the "Help" button. ;)

    hnlNetlistFileName = "myCell.cdl"

    Marc Heise, Apr 8, 2009
  6. Hi Marc, i don't know what i was thinking, i thought i had tried that
    and it did not work, but of course it does.


    stuart.duncan, Apr 10, 2009
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