Comma separated txt files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by eugh, May 10, 2004.

  1. eugh

    eugh Guest

    I have a comma separated txt file format as follows, point#,Northing, Easting,Elevation, Description. I am trying to populate a listbox with only the point numbers like so;
    point 100
    point 101
    point 102

    I know how to bring in the entire txt file, but how do I tell it to only use the point # then skip to the next line. Also, what if I wanted to use the do I skip over commas until I reach the elevation data?

    I am a novice with VBA at best so please don't shoot answers over my head without explaining.

    Thanks in advance!
    eugh, May 10, 2004
  2. eugh

    Luis Alberto Guest

    You can use the Split function to separate the lines in arrays of strings
    using the comma as separator, this way you will obtain something like this:

    Dim VarData as Variant
    Const InputTXTLine as string = "100,1,200,Description" 'This is an example.
    VarData = Split(InputTXTLine,",")

    'In VarData you will have an array:
    'Vardata(0) = 100
    'Vardata(1) = 1
    'Vardata(2) = 200
    'Vardata(3) = "Description"

    Hope this helps ;-)

    Easting,Elevation, Description. I am trying to populate a listbox with only
    the point numbers like so;
    use the point # then skip to the next line. Also, what if I wanted to use
    the do I skip over commas until I reach the elevation data?
    Luis Alberto, May 10, 2004
  3. eugh

    Dave F. Guest

    Hi eugh

    I'm working on something similar at the moment.

    The disadvantage of using the split command in the above example appears to
    be that the values aren't stored, so if you'd wanted the Northings of, say,
    the 16th point in your list you'd have to sift through the file again to get

    I created a user-define Type variable to store all the values (have a look
    in the VB Help):

    The disadvantage of this way is you have to have a guess as to the number of
    lines in the file (to make sure you have enough room) when Diming the
    variable (see >>).

    Does anuone know a way around this?


    Dave F.

    Type LayerAttr
    LayNme As String
    LayCol As String
    LayLtp As String
    End Type

    Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim acLayer As AcadLayer
    Dim FileNo As Integer
    Dim Cnt As IntegerDim Lay As Variant

    For Each acLayer In ThisDrawing.Layers ' places all layer names in
    LBxDwgLayLst.AddItem acLayer.Name
    Next ' acLayer
    FileNo = FreeFile
    Open "c:\dwgs\fx15\fxlayersCSV.txt" For Input As FileNo
    Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
    Input #FileNo, LayLst(Cnt).LayNme, LayLst(Cnt).LayCol,
    LBxTxtLayLst.AddItem LayLst(Cnt).LayNme
    Cnt = Cnt + 1
    Loop ' eof
    Close FileNo
    End Sub
    Dave F., May 11, 2004
  4. I can think of thee quickly off the top of my head. You can dynamically
    redim your array to hold the number of items added to it in your loop; or
    you can code up, or find somewhere, a list like data structure that will
    dynamically resize itself to hold a variable number of UDT's; or you can
    change from a UDT to a class and store instances of the class in a VB

    I'm sure that there are others...
    Bobby C. Jones, May 11, 2004
  5. eugh

    Dave F. Guest

    Thanks for replying

    I'm not sure if you can do that. To be able to redim I have to have empty
    brackets: Dim LayLst() As LayerAttr.
    & I do not know the total number until it exited the loop

    When I run I get a Subscript out of range error.

    ; or
    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what your saying :)

    Dave F.
    Dave F., May 11, 2004
  6. See comments inline below

    You have to redim the array in each iteration of the loop and utilize the
    preserve keyword to keep the existing data. Of the three, this is my least
    Instead of creating a UDT via the Type keyword, create a class module to
    hold your data. Place the code below into a class module and name it
    LayerAttr (As a side note, I prefer the name LayerInfo for this class).
    I've only shown the property for Name, you'll need to add others for Color
    and LineType.

    'LayerAttr class module
    Option Explicit

    Private m_Name As String
    Private m_Color As String
    Private m_LineType As String

    Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = m_Name
    End Property

    Public Property Let Name(newName As String)
    m_Name = newName
    End Property

    Then in your form initialization you can create instances of the LayerAttr
    class, fill them with data, and save them to a collection object.

    Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    'Create a variable to hold LayerAttr objects
    Dim la As LayerAttr

    'Create a dictionary to hold multiple LayerAttr objects
    Dim layerInfoList As Collection
    Set layerInfoList = New Collection

    'Retrieve the layer information from the file and save it
    Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
    'Create a new LayerAttr object and fill it with data
    Set la = New LayerAttr
    Input #FileNo, la.Name, la.Color, la.LineType

    'Store the new LayerAttr object in the Collection,
    'This code assumes that layer names are not repeated!!!!
    layerInfoList.Add la, la.Name

    Set la = Nothing
    Loop ' eof

    'Add names to the listbox
    For Each la In layerInfoList
    LBxTxtLayLst.AddItem la.Name
    Next la

    End Sub

    If you declare the layerInfoList as a private member variable, similar to
    the m_Color var. in the LayerAttr class, then all procedures in your form
    will have access to the list. This is my second favorite of the three

    I'm on my way to the airport, so option #3 will have to wait <g>
    Bobby C. Jones, May 11, 2004
  7. eugh

    Dave F. Guest

    Have a good flight

    Thanks, I'll have a look a that.

    Another option I want to look at is using scripting dictionaries.
    Have you ever used them instead of arrays?

    I'm not sure if they could be used instead of multi-dimensional arrays, as
    in my case?

    Mike Tuersley recommends them:$&rnum=1

    Oh! dear, what out for word wraps.

    Dave F.
    Dave F., May 12, 2004
  8. Thanks. The flight went well...after we got off the ground 4 hours late.
    It was the wee hours of the morning before I finally crawled into the hotel
    bed. If I start rambling incoherently, you'll know why <g>

    Arrays have their place but more often than not in a situation like you are
    talking about a Collection object ,or Scripting Dictionary, or a custom data
    structure is almost always the better way to go. Which to use is up to you,
    your experience level, and the specifications of the project. Collections
    are easy because they are built into VB. Scripting Dictionaries aren't as
    easy only because they aren't built into VB, but they do have advantages
    over Collections such as speed and more built in functionality. Custom
    built data structures are the most difficult, until you have a base library
    built, but offer the most bang.

    If you want my recommendation, which is solely based on the very few details
    that we've shared in this brief discussion, I'd suggest that you look into
    the Scripting Dictionary for this project. The code to use it is nearly
    identical to what I've shown you using the Collection object.

    Is it nap time yet???
    Bobby C. Jones, May 12, 2004
  9. eugh

    Tom Craft Guest

    dim pntno as string
    dim north as string
    dim east as string
    dim elev as string
    dim desc as string

    while not eof(filenumber)
    input #filnumber, pntno, north, east, elev, desc
    listbox.additem "Point " & pntno
    stay away from the line input statement that will require you to parse out the individual items in each record.

    Tom Craft, May 13, 2004
  10. eugh

    Dave F. Guest


    Thanks for explaining all this.
    I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's benefiting.

    I haven't had time to put the code into practise yet, so appologies if I get
    this wrong:

    I can see how I can substitute a dictionary for a collection, but I'm
    failing to comprehend is how/where it
    would store the extra info (colour/ltype). The example appears to only store
    the Layer name & discarding the rest.

    Is this correct, or am I missing something?

    Dave F.
    Dave F., May 13, 2004
  11. Hi Dave,
    You didn't get it wrong. The example that I showed only had a property for
    storing the Name. Here is the complete class module with the additional
    properties for color and linetype:

    'LayerAttr class module
    Option Explicit

    Private m_Name As String
    Private m_Color As String
    Private m_LineType As String

    Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = m_Name
    End Property

    Public Property Let Name(newName As String)
    m_Name = newName
    End Property

    Public Property Get Color() As String
    Color = m_Color
    End Property

    Public Property Let Color(newColor As String)
    m_Color = newColor
    End Property

    Public Property Get LineType() As String
    LineType = m_LineType
    End Property

    Public Property Let LineType(newLineType As String)
    m_LineType = newLineType
    End Property

    Bobby C. Jones, May 13, 2004
  12. eugh

    Dave F. Guest

    Thanks again
    Unfortunately i still don't get it :-(

    Plese see >>.

    Thanksin advance

    Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
    'Create a new LayerAttr object and fill it with data
    Set la = New LayerAttr
    Input #FileNo, la.Name, la.Color, la.LineType

    'Store the new LayerAttr object in the Collection,
    'This code assumes that layer names are not repeated!!!!to store all 3 attributes of la - is that possible?)....
    layerInfoList.Add la, la.Name
    Set la = Nothing
    Loop ' eof

    'Add names to the listbox
    For Each la In layerInfoList
    LBxTxtLayLst.AddItem la.Name
    Next la
    Dave F., May 13, 2004
  13. eugh

    Ed Jobe Guest

    layerInfoList.Add la, la.Name

    This doesn't just store the name, it has two arguments la and la.Name. The first stores the entire object with all its properties. The second arg is what you want as an index value for the collection. By doing so, you can retrieve the object from the collection by calling its name in the Item method rather than merely an index number.

    Dim MyLA As LayerAtt
    Set MyLA = layerInfoList.Item(0)
    Set MyLA = layerInfoList.Item("LayerName")
    Ed Jobe, May 13, 2004
  14. Hi Dave,
    Ed is correct. All of the information is being stored. Maybe a comparison
    to what your original code was doing will help.

    Your original code was creating an array of 80 LayerAttr user defined types.
    You opened the file and filled some of the LayerAttr types with data from
    the file and left others untouched, although they were still residing in
    memory. You could then access this retrieved data by going to an index of
    the array and accessing the fields of the LayerAttr type at that index.

    MsgBox ("The name of the first layer in the file is " & LayLst(0).LayNme)

    All that I have done is to replace the LayerAttr user defined type with a
    class module that has the exact same functionality as the user defined type.
    You could just as easily fill your array with instances of the class and
    access the data stored within the class the same way that you did with the
    user defined types. (Note: The only reason that I'm using a class and not
    a UDT is that UDT's can't be stored in Collection objects.)

    MsgBox ("The name of the first layer in the file is " & LayLst(0).Name)

    However instead of using an array with a static size that you set when
    creating the array, we are using a Collection, or Scripting Dictionary,
    which is in theory a dynamic array that resizes itself to hold however much
    data you put in it. If you only read in three layers from the file then the
    Collection only has three LayerAttr objects in it. To do this you have to
    manually create instances of the class and add them to the Collection. This
    is unlike the array that automatically fills itself with LayerAttr objects
    when it is created.

    You can look back over my example code to see this object creation, saving
    the data to the LayerAttr instance, and then saving each LayerAttr to the
    Collection cycle inside of the loop that is reading the file.

    Notice that after the loop is complete and all of the information has been
    read from the file, the code then goes back and iterates over the
    layerInfoList Collection, grabs each LayerAttr object stored there, and then
    places the information stored in the Name property into the listbox on the

    I hope that makes sense. It's late in the day and my brain is fried and I
    can't tell if it does or not <g>
    Bobby C. Jones, May 13, 2004
  15. eugh

    Dave F. Guest

    Ah! The penny's dropped.

    I was being confused by this from the VBscript help file:
    Dim d ' Create a variable.
    Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    d.Add "a", "Athens" ' Add some keys and items.
    d.Add "b", "Belgrade"
    d.Add "c", "Cairo"From that I was assuming (not unreasonably, I think), that
    the key could only be used as an index.Thanks to Ed, & especially Bobby for
    Dave F., May 14, 2004
  16. Indeed, the penny has dropped. I see the source of your confusion now. In
    my example I used a Collection object and you were referencing the Scripting
    Dictionary help. You see, the Item and Key arguments are reversed for these
    two objects. At one time I had vowed to use named arguments...I think that
    I'll renew that vow <g> Have a good one Dave!
    Bobby C. Jones, May 14, 2004
  17. eugh

    Dave F Guest

    This is what I've got so far & I'm sure (hope!) I'm nearly there.
    The >> line is highlighting La.Name & giving the error:

    Variable required - can't assign to this expression.

    I've tested La.Name by putting a value into it & I've retrieved it
    successfully, so the Class appears to be working OK.

    I've looked in the help & this seems to be the problem, but I don't know how
    to solve it:

    "You used a function call or an expression as an argument to Input #, Let,
    Get, or Put. For example, you may have used an argument that appears to be a
    valid reference to an array variable, but instead is a call to a function of
    the same name".

    I've checked for functions called La - there aren't any.

    Any ideas?

    Dave F.

    Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim FileNo As Integer
    Dim La As LayerAttr
    Dim LayerInfoList As Collection

    Set LayerInfoList = New Collection
    FileNo = FreeFile

    Open "c:\dwgs\fx15\fxlayersCSV.txt" For Input As FileNo

    Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
    Set La = New LayerAttrLayerInfoList.Add La, La.Name
    Set La = Nothing
    Loop ' eof

    Close FileNo
    End Sub
    This is the Class module
    Option Explicit

    Private m_Name As String
    Private m_Color As String
    Private m_LineType As String

    Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = m_Name
    End Property

    Public Property Let Name(newName As String)
    m_Name = newName
    End Property

    Public Property Get Color() As String
    Color = m_Color
    End Property

    Public Property Let Color(newColor As String)
    m_Color = newColor
    End Property

    Public Property Get LineType() As String
    LineType = m_LineType
    End Property

    Public Property Let LineType(newLineType As String)
    m_LineType = newLineType
    End Property
    Dave F, May 15, 2004
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