comfortable mouse?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dlevy, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. dlevy

    dlevy Guest

    I'm using an expert mouse now. I've never had muscle problems before with
    the expert mouse but I seem to be developing a problem in my wrist. I think
    it's associated with the positioning of the expert mouse. It lays flat on
    the desk. I'd like something that is a bit more tilted/twisted.

    Any suggestions?
    dlevy, Mar 19, 2007
  2. dlevy

    Bo Guest

    As a quick note from one who had the problem with 2D CAD in the mid
    80s I'll just say that I did the following which eventually worked:

    1. Lower the keyboard & mousing &/or table area down as close over my
    knees as I could.

    2. Used a low height mouse (as small as I could get) or trackpad

    3. Learn to do the mouse/trackpad movements with almost no tension or
    hard force on buttons &/or trackpad to ease the tendency to have
    continually tense muscles & tendons.

    4. Chose an off-duty hobby that gives some independent hand wrist
    activity each day, that is quite varied; rowing, basketball & swimming
    come to mind.

    5. Take breaks every hour or two and do some form of hand stretching
    & relaxation at least.

    I remember times "back then" when I would sit down after lunch and not
    look up from the screen until 5pm and wonder where the time went, and
    eventually realized it was partially behind my wrist pain.

    Lots of prior posts can be searched on this group.

    Bo, Mar 19, 2007
  3. dlevy

    dlevy Guest


    dlevy, Mar 19, 2007
  4. dlevy

    iQ Guest

    we have been changing to a vertical mouse design and has been very
    good to most users. take a look at

    we use this with elbow rests
    iQ, Mar 20, 2007
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