Come & get it ... standard parts -- thru the weekend and Monday

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sporkman, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I'll allow this much stuff to remain on the FTP host all this weekend
    and Monday morning (at least), if anyone wants to download it. Come
    Monday afternoon it may be gone. See earlier post under the "Standard
    Parts library to download" for FTP instructions.

    There's a LOT of stuff here, people. Hundreds of megabytes worth. A
    partial list by category:

    8020 aluminum extrusions
    Air nozzles
    Alignment couplers
    Ball joints
    Inner races
    Linear bearings
    Locking devices
    Radial bearings
    Takeup frames
    Thrust washers
    Breaker plates
    Cam followers
    Chain links
    Drive tensioners
    Filter units
    Gear reducers
    Grease fittings
    Hand wheels
    Hardware (contains several varieties of fasteners)
    Hose barbs
    Human figures
    Hydraulic cylinders
    Levelling pads
    Pipe fittings
    Pneumatic cylinders
    Pneumatic filters / regulators
    Pneumatic fittings
    Pneumatic valves
    Shaft collars
    Shaft mounts
    Shaft supports
    Shock absorbers
    Slide units
    Snap rings
    Solenoid valves
    Torque limiters / clutches
    Vacuum pumps
    Water rotary joints

    Come and get it, but don't complain when it's all gone.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Jun 26, 2004
  2. Sporkman

    Muggs Guest

    Thanks Spork!!!
    Downloading while I sleep. Nighty night.

    Muggs, Jun 26, 2004
  3. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Might TAKE all night. Sleep tight.
    Sporkman, Jun 26, 2004
  4. Sporkman

    Muggs Guest

    757 files
    250 folders
    408 MB's

    And I would have given you the time to download from a cable modem, if I
    were smart enough to have jot down the time before I exited out of Smart
    I'll be on vacation today through next Sunday, and I'll sort through it
    Boy, am I glad I perused the NG last night!

    Thanks again, Spork,
    Muggs, Jun 26, 2004
  5. Sporkman

    Art Woodbury Guest

    Took 38 minutes at 8AM on Saturday (average was about 200 kbps on cable

    A GREAT BIG thank you to Sporkman!!!!!!!!!! I know I'm going to burn
    part of the weekend looking at all this good stuff. Christmas in June!

    Art W.
    Art Woodbury, Jun 26, 2004
  6. Sporkman

    Scott Guest

    I can't download with my IE6.0??

    Any ideas why not?

    Scott, Jun 26, 2004
  7. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Yeah, if I'm correct you're having trouble with IE rejecting the syntax
    you need for the UserID. The ampersand @ symbol in
    "" may be the problem. Now, according to
    Seth Renigar in the other thread ("Standard Parts library to download")
    he was able to use IE 6.0 successfully. It's possible that instead of
    syntax the problem is that you need to enable "passive file transfers"
    to get FTP to work correctly with WHATEVER software you use. I know I
    do, although I don't understand just why. It may depend on your ISP,
    but anyway I don't think IE has an option to enable that. That's an
    option you WILL find with software specifically designed to be an FTP
    client. Try WSFTP (LE, or "light edition", which is free), or CuteFTP.

    Sporkman, Jun 26, 2004
  8. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Welcome to all. My pleasure. As I said, dimensionally these things
    SHOULD be pretty accurate, but naturally there are no guarantees. My
    contributions were a minority of the models there. Use at your own

    Sporkman, Jun 26, 2004

  9. Scott,

    Read Sporky's reply to "Standard Parts libray to download". On seond
    thought, it's a lot easier for me to just duplicate it here


    I'm copying a bunch of collected Palette Parts to my FTP host right this
    minute. Been meaning to do it anyway. It'll be a little while yet
    before they all get there, even at DSL speed, but you're welcome to
    download whatever you find useful. Hopefully it won't be problematic --
    yet to be seen because it's still uploading. My FTP host name is
    "". UserID is "" and
    password is "guestuser". If you have any problems set your FTP client
    to enable passive file transfers. As far as I know you can't use
    Netscape or IE for FTP with my site because the ampersand @ symbol seems
    to violate those browsers' FTP syntax. You'll have to use something
    like CuteFTP or WSFTP or similar software specifically designed to be
    FTP clients.

    Have fun downloading. There's a lot of crap there that I don't take
    responsibility for. Those files were created by a several different
    people besides myself and I haven't had time to go through all of them
    and make them consistent. I DO believe that the parts represented are
    dimensionally accurate.


    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 26, 2004
  10. Sporkman

    Bo Clawson Guest

    Thanks Sporkman & Steiger. I just used my PowerBook to do the
    download in about a half hour using my ftp client, Transmit. No

    Thanks - Bo Clawson
    Bo Clawson, Jun 27, 2004
  11. Sporkman

    Scott Guest

    I have tried that option and many others as well as a FTP program. Nothing
    seems to get me connected to your site. I guess I have to pass on your
    Download for now :-(.

    Oh well... have a good day!

    Scott, Jun 28, 2004
  12. Sporkman

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Actually, in IE6.0 I did have to "Re-Login" by right clicking in the folder
    view area and click "login as" to get it to work. But after that, it worked
    fine. Downloaded everything in about 30 minutes.

    I will share my "mother-of-all mold components" library that I have created
    (very accurate) on Sporkman's ftp site when he is finished with these if he
    will let me. As well as my other components. Anyone interested?
    Seth Renigar, Jun 28, 2004
  13. Devon T. Sowell, Jun 28, 2004
  14. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Never fear, Mr. Baugh, 'Sporky's' here. I've sent you an email.
    Sporkman, Jun 28, 2004

  15. Yes!

    Malcolm_Tempt, Jun 28, 2004
  16. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    I WILL let you, as long as the total is no more than the files I'm going
    to delete. That's 408 megabytes. You can upload tonight (Monday)
    beginning at midnight (eastern time, US). I'll keep my files up there
    until probably around 9:00 or 10:00pm.

    Best regards,
    Sporkman, Jun 28, 2004
  17. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Thanks . . . but I don't really think there are any bad guys here.
    Sporkman, Jun 28, 2004
  18. Hello,

    Thanks so much for sharing your parts file. I'm trying now to download
    Seth Renigar's "mother-of-all mold components". It's about midnight in
    CA and it seems like the previous Login isn't working. Can you help?

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Jun 29, 2004
  19. Sporkman

    neil Guest

    hi Jerry
    see Sparkman's 'Just a few more hours... post
    guess it isn't uploaded yet.
    neil, Jun 29, 2004
  20. Sporkman

    Sporkman Guest

    Yes, sorry Jerry. The guest user account has been disabled and a new
    one will be enabled when Seth is able to upload his components.
    Unfortunately he can't do it right now because of a problem on my FTP --
    my "disc quota" is still being shown as 78% used up even though I've
    deleted everything, and I'm awaiting some technical support help from my
    Web host. Once that problem has been resolved Seth will be able to
    upload his mold component library, and he'll have a new guest account
    for those who want to download. Those interested will have to email him
    for a UserID and password. I won't be available for a few days
    (long-awaited vacation) and I don't feel comfortable posting the login
    info -- just leaving the FTP entirely open to anyone in Usenet who wants
    to upload or screw with the directories. If I were here I could police

    Best regards,
    Sporkman, Jun 29, 2004
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