Combining Distributed and Redundant servers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by klas.janson, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. klas.janson

    klas.janson Guest

    Site 1 has 3 distributed servers and Site 2 has 3 redundant.

    Site 1 is using: ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE =

    If they are out of licenses I would like them to search the redundant pool for licenses.

    Should the env. variable look like this:


    or should I put the redundant pool in the licpath or registry:


    Is it even possible?

    Klas Janson
    klas.janson, Mar 16, 2005
  2. klas.janson

    Cy Shuster Guest

    I'm pretty sure that "distributed" and "redundant" servers are two
    incompatible methods of doing the same thing. Your choice depends on your
    environment and the problems you're trying to solve.

    "Redundant" lets three servers host essentially a single license file,
    providing continued service if any one server goes down. But if one goes
    down, you're left with a single point of failure: loss of either remaining
    server means all licenses are down.

    "Distributed" is just like having multiple single servers: 10 seats here, 30
    over there, and so on, and isn't limited to just three servers. Loss of one
    or two servers means some seats are still available.

    I've got to put a plug in here: for those of you administering many seats of
    critical products -- especially if you haven't been given sufficient
    training to be comfortable setting them up -- why not take advantage of
    Autodesk Professional Services? These are the people who do this day in,
    day out, and have the experience in many different environments to know what
    works. They'll make you look good!

    Cy Shuster, Mar 16, 2005
  3. klas.janson

    klas.janson Guest

    Thanks, I know the terms and how it works, but this is a case and my question was if you can "overflow" licenses from distributed servers to a redundant pool on a different site.

    klas.janson, Mar 16, 2005
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