Combining Custom property fields in BOM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George.Maddever, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. Hi All,

    I've got a couple of custom property fields I want to combine into one
    in a BOM column.

    Say for example I've got a part description (e.g. SIDE PLATE) and I've
    got a configuration description (e.g. L/H).

    Currently, in my BOM, I've got a column for each. It would be much
    tidier if I could combine them into the one column in the BOM so that
    it reads "SIDE PLATE L/H".

    Is there any way I can do this? The equation feature allows me to
    insert one custom property field, but when I append another, it stops
    recognising it as a custom property and just prints out the syntax of
    what I've entered in the equation editor.

    Any help gratefully accepted :)

    George.Maddever, Jul 16, 2007
  2. George.Maddever

    Engineer Guest

    Dear George,

    I had been doing same kind of thing for one of my customer where he
    wanted me to put part number and description in the same column. For
    that I created one more custom property and added all the information
    in that that particular property. And finally you can call that
    property in your BOM.


    Engineer, Jul 16, 2007
  3. George.Maddever

    fcsuper Guest


    I believe the answer you seek is on a message on this forum. Link

    Matt Lorono
    Co-moderator of
    fcsuper, Jul 16, 2007
  4. Hi Matt,

    That helped actually (it was actually my question in the other thread
    too!). I didn't realise you could call custom properties using the
    $PRP:"" designation like you can in notes on a drawing sheet. Now I
    can just make up a statement of $PRP notations and it works!

    Problem solved! Thanks!
    George.Maddever, Jul 16, 2007
  5. Hi John,

    Surely the information reported in a BOM will be that of whichever
    configuration the drawing the BOM is linked to is? I've run some tests
    and the "combined" column seems to report exactly the same as if I had
    a separate column for each custom property. What you're reporting
    sounds more like a bug than an intended shortcoming though.

    Under what circumstances does this problem manifest itself?

    George.Maddever, Jul 17, 2007
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