Combine Selectionset with pickfirstSelectionSet and pickonscreen objects

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by jonnoble, May 4, 2004.

  1. jonnoble

    jonnoble Guest

    Hi all,

    I have tried to find a solution to this, but I am obviously missing something fundamental here.

    I am trying to write a function that takes what is selected at the moment, and then asks the user to select more things onscreen.

    I would ideally like both sets of objects to be seen as selected on screen (but this is not essential) as well as having one selectionset with a complete set of entities.

    So far I have managed to get a selectionset using pickfirstSelectionSet which has the initial objects and then create and array of acad_entitys with the entitys I want to add based on a selectionset created by selectedoncsreen. However the .additems function will not work.

    Any help / guidance would be most appreciated.
    jonnoble, May 4, 2004
  2. I don't believe there's any way to establish the pickfirst selection
    set (leave entities selected), short of using LISP, and it would
    have to be from a macro that's started using vla-runmacro, not

    having one selectionset with a complete set of entities.
    and array of acad_entitys with the entitys I want to add based on a selectionset created by selectedoncsreen. However
    the .additems function will not work.
    Tony Tanzillo, May 4, 2004
  3. I think there's a semi-solution to this, but only via ACAD Unsupported
    2000.arx (although you are closer to this than I am, that's for sure). The
    library exposes methods for establishing a pickfirst selection set, but only
    as an out-of-process call that should be made from outside DLL. Never tried
    it, but the Unsupp.arx help says something about it.

    Maksim Sestic

    moment, and then asks the user to select more
    screen (but this is not essential) as well as
    which has the initial objects and then create
    selectionset created by selectedoncsreen. However
    Maksim Sestic, May 6, 2004
  4. Tony Tanzillo, May 6, 2004
  5. jonnoble

    jonnoble Guest

    I know this is lame of me, and I feel like I ought to be able to find out more from the link you gave me, but could you expand your answer (perhaps some code you have which uses selection sets with acadx).

    It would be of great interest to me as I have been trying to get my teeth into acadx for a while but haven't had much luck.


    jonnoble, May 7, 2004
  6. AcadX is free for personal, in house use (for AutoCAD 2002),
    but there is no support or custom sample code beyond what I
    provide here on occasion.

    Support and custom-written example code is available only
    to paying licensees. You can purchase a license and/or a
    support contract for AcadX if you wish. In that case, contact
    me via email.

    you expand your answer (perhaps some code you have which uses selection sets with acadx).
    Tony Tanzillo, May 7, 2004
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